Associate Professor of Sociology of culture and communication [SPS/08]

Davide Bennato, PhD in Communication Sciences (University of Rome La Sapienza), is an Associate Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication, Sociology of Digital Media and Digital Sociology, and he is president of the Degree course "Scienze e Lingue per la Comunicazione" of the Department of Humanistic Sciences of the University of Catania.
He is one of the founding members and past vice–president (2005-08) of STS Italia (the Italian Society for Social Studies of Science and Technology) and he was a member of the board of professors at the Lipari School on Computational Complex and Social Systems.
Currently he is board member of Bench s.r.l., a University of Catania spin off in social and marketing researches with a big data approach, he is also member of the board of professors of the Ph.D. in Complex Systems for Physical, Socio-economic and Life Sciences at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Catania and board member of the Center for Digital Umanities (CINUM) of the University of Catania.
His research topics are: digital sociology, collective behaviours in social media, big data ethics, relationships between technology and values, science and technology communications models in the internet, computational social science.
On his research interests he wrote on his blog Tecnoetica.it and he is a columnist for the digital magazine Agendadigitale.eu.



Associate professor, in SPS/08 scientific field - Sociology of culture and communication, University of Catania, Department of Human Sciences



Degree in Sociology (Sociology of Science), mark 110/110 cum laude, University of Rome “La Sapienza“. Dissertation: The Decline and Transformation of Artificial Intelligence.


School of Methodology of Social Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Dissertation: Computational Models in Social Sciences.


PhD in Communication Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Dissertation: The Social Construction of Computer Science.


Research fellow in "Technology and Society", University of Rome "la Sapienza"


2 years (Academic Years: 2004-05 to 2005-06), Contract professor, Mass Communication Sociology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Communication Sciences

3 years (Academic Years: 2005-06 to 2008-09), Contract professor, Design and Publishing of Multimedia System, University of Siena, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences

2 years (Academic Years: 2006-07 to 2007-08), Contract professor, Theory and Tecnique of New Media, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Communication Sciences.

3 years (Academic Years: 2006-07 to 2008-09), Contract professor, Sociology of Research and Innovation, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Sociology.

1 year (Academic Year: 2007-08), Contract professor, Theory and Tecnique of New Media, University of Molise, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.

1 year (Academic Year: 2007-08), Contract professor, Laboratory of Conception and Design of Multimedia Products, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Communication Sciences and Faculty of Architecture

1 year (Academic Year: 2008-09), Contract professor, Theory and Tecnique of New Media, Free University LUISS “Guido Carli”, Faculty of Political Sciences



Research director “Digital Content Consumption Behaviours”, Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Rome

2005- today

Co-founding member and vice-president (2005-08) of STS-Italia (Italian Association  of Science and Technology Studies).

2012- today

Member of the board of Bench s.r.l., an University of Catania spin off focused on social and marketing researches.


Member of the board of professors at the Lipari School on Computational Social Science.


Internal consultant of the communication group for the social media presence project of the University of Catania


Delegate member of the Department of Humanistic Sciences of the University of Catania for the website and communication activities.


27-28-29 September 2001

L'Europa delle reti

AIS - Italian Sociological Association

Presented paper: Archivists of babel. Search engines and privacy


Data: 27-28 June 2003

Le TV digitali dell’Europa Mediterranea

Department of Communication Sciences – University of Salerno (Faculty of Communication Sciences) – University of Rome“La Sapienza”

Presented paper: Wi-Fi and emerging social behavior


7-8-9 October 2004

Second Forum of Young Sociologists

AIS - Italian Sociological Association

Presented paper: Tecnoethics. The role of values in the relationship between technology and society


17 June 2005

Etica di Internet

Cultural Office of the France Embassy in Italy, University of Rome "La Sapienza", IUAV University of Venice.

Presented paper: Ethics of blogs. New strategies in newsmaking


25-26 November 2005

Studi Sociali della Scienza e della Tecnologia. Una comunità si confronta.

STS Italia - Italian Association of Science and Technology Studies

Oral presentation: The social use of technology: marketing and cultural patterns


14-15 December 2006

Senso comune e costruzione della realtà

AIS – Italian Sociological Association

Presented paper: The file sharing user between common sense and uncommon ideas


18  May 2007

Le riviste scientifico-culturali nel XXI secolo. La sfida di internet

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Sociology and Communication

Presented paper: Online journals as a platform for knowledge sharing


17 December 2008

La scienza ai tempi del web partecipativo

STS Italia - Italian Association of Science and Technology Studies

Oral presentation: Scientific communities online: overview of digital platforms for science


4 June 2009

Network Analysis: reti sociali, struttura del web e di internet

CERMS - Centro di Ricerca in Metodologia delle Scienze, DIS - Department of Computer Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Oral presentation: Strategies of social relationship in the social networking platforms


5 October 2009

Internet Governance Forum 2009 – Reti Sociali: cosa è pubblico, cosa è privato

IIT CNR – Institute of Computer Science and Telematics at the Italian National Research Council



20 November 2009

Le reti socievoli. La ricerca nel/del web sociale

AIS – Italian Sociological Association

Presented paper: Death of a pop icon. Online reactions to the death of Michael Jackson


8 April 2010

2060: Con quali fonti si farà la storia del nostro presente? Tecniche, pratiche e scienze sociali a confronto

Fondazione Telecom Italia, AIS - Italian sociological Association, SISSCO - Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History, Polytechnic of Turin

Presented paper: Digital chronotopes. Trace analysis and visual representations


23-24-25 September 2010

IX Convegno nazionale. Stati, Nazioni, Società Globale: Sociologicamente

AIS – Italian Sociological Association

Presented paper: The spreading of information online. The Twitter case study (research paper with Alessandro Panconesi and Hassen Benhotman, University of Rome “La Sapienza”)


30 September 2010

WARM – Workshop on Advanced Research methods

SCSS – PhD program in Sociology and Communication Sciences of the Show Business, University of Urbino (Italy)

Oral presentation: Listening online conversations (Invited speaker)


1-2-3 September 2011

Ricerca qualitativa e giovani studiosi (RiQGioS)

University degli studi “Kore” di Enna

Member of the scientific committee, discussant


13 September 2012

XXVI annual conference SISP – Italian Society of Political Science

Oral presentation: Digital processes of agenda building. The strategies of the political think tank to influence public opinion online


17-18 May 2013

I mestieri della politica. Storie, attori e tecniche per la gestione del consenso

University di Catania, Department of Social and Political Sciences

Oral presentation: Politics tested with the big data


12-14 September 2013

XXVII Annual Conference SISP – Italian Society of Political Science

Panel: Sezione 5: Comunicazione Politica. Section 5.5: Tweeting, Posting, Networking. Una riflessione (di metodo) sulle campagne politiche online tra impegno civico e comunicazione elettorale (Chair: Marzia Antenore)



10-12 October 2013

La qualità del sapere sociologico. X National Conference of AIS - Italian Sociological Association

Oral presentation: Semu cyberdevoti tutti! Strategies of collective participation in the festival of Sant'Agata via social media


3-5 December 2013

Winter School on Internet Studies: Identità, relazione e capitale sociale negli scenari del Web 2.0.

University of Salerno, Department of Social Communication and Political Sciences

Oral presentation: The limitations of the humanistic approach of the digital culture

Discussant: Social capital and networks


20-21 gennaio 2014

5th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop – IIR 2014

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Panel “Information and Knowledge Retrieval in the age of Social Media”

Oral presentation: Information challenges in the social media world from a sociological point of view


23 May 2014

Gli amori difficili. Ricerca e comunicazione possono andare d’accordo?

Alessandro Liberati Association, Italian Cochrane Network, IRCCS Istituto Mario Negri

Oral presentation: Communicating research with social media


12-14 June 2014

5th STS Italia - Italian Association of Science and Technology Studies Conference. A matter of design: Making society through science and technology

STS Italia - Italian Association of Science and Technology Studies, Politecnico di Milano

Track 5 – Rethinking sociological gaze and citizenship through data

Track convenor


5-7 March 2015

Scienza Aperta per una ricerca migliore

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Environmental Biology

Oral presentation: Science 2.0. Scientific research in the time of social media


12 June 2015

Data Science: nuovi approcci per affrontare vecchi problemi?

Municipality of Rome, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Department of Statistics

Oral presentation: Social media as a lens to analyze social behaviors. The use of computational social science to understand "Mafia capitale"


25-26 September 2015

Sulle tracce dei big data. Questioni di metodo e percorsi di ricerca

AIS – Italian Sociological Association

University of Rome “La Sapienza” Department of Communication and Social Research

Presented paper: The risk of datafrenia in the analysis of Big Data. Methodological notes from the case “Mafia Capitale”.


18 October 2015

China day. A global Strategy to improve

MIA – Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo

Invited speaker to the workshop “The Chinese audiovisual market: the big picture”

Oral presentation: Big data for a big picture


28 November 2015

Ricercare e Comunicare: il percorso dalla produzione del dato alla sua applicazione

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Diagnostic and Clinical Medicine and Public Health

Oral presentation: La comunicazione nella ricerca sui Social Network


9 December 2015

Workshop on Italian Documentary Film Approach

GZDOC - Guangzhou International Documentary Festival (Guangdong, People’s Republic of China)

Oral presentation: An Italian collective crossmedia storytelling: a big data approach



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