Full Professor of Italian literature [L-FIL-LET/10]

Andrea Manganaro is Full Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Catania.

In the academic year 2023-24 he is on leave (sabbatical year) to devote himself to exclusive scientific research activities. From 01/10/2023 to 30/09/2024 all his teaching activities (teaching, examinations, scheduled receptions) are therefore suspended.

  • He is:
  • National President of the Association of Italianists-Didactic Section (ADI-SD) and member by right of the Executive Board of the Association of Italianists (ADI).
  • Vice-President of the Scientific Council of the “ Fondazione Verga”, International Centre for the Study of Verga and Verismo, included among the National Centres of Excellence for Research.
  •  Head of the Section of Italianistics and Comparatistics of the Department of Humanities, University of Catania.
  • He is co-editor of the Class A journals "Annali della Fondazione Verga" and "Le forme e la storia".
  • He is member of:   the scientific committees of the following class A journals: "Studi italiani" (Florence); "DNA Di Nulla Academia. Rivista di studi camporesiani" (Bologna); "Italica" (Journal of AATI, American Association of Teachers of Italian); the Board of Directors of “Leonardiana” (Pisa);  international scientific committees of "Italianistica Debreceniensis" (University of Debrecen), of the "Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas" (RICL) (University of Seville), of the "RSEI. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Italianistas" (University of Salamanca); of the scientific committees of various publishing series (including "Letteratura italiana. Saggi e strumenti', FrancoAngeli, Milan; 'I sentieri della letteratura - Metodi, percorsi e prospettive nella didattica dei testi letterari', Patron, Bologna).
  • He is a referee for a dozen class A Italianistic journals.
  • He has participated, as a speaker and organiser, in a large number of national and international conferences. He has given seminars and lectures at numerous foreign universities. In the academic year 2018-19, he was "Goggio Visiting Professor" at the University of Toronto, where, among other things, he taught a course on the History of Italian Literary Criticism, as part of the institutional "graduate" courses.
  • His research and publications span the entire chronological span of Italian literature, and focus on the relationship between literary forms and history, fiction, the history of criticism, and the debate of ideas. In particular, they focus on: the Italian novella (Boccaccio, 16th century); Foscolo; Verga; history of literary criticism and historiography: poetics of the 16th century; the early 19th century; the 19th and 20th centuries (in particular De Sanctis and Croce); didactics of literature. His philological interests mainly concern the work of Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Verga. He edited the critical edition of Storie e leggende napoletane (National Edition of the works of Benedetto Croce. Writings on literary and political history. VII) and is currently editing the critical edition of Storia di una capinera (National Edition of the works of Giovanni Verga).
  • He is the author, to date, of 162 scientific publications (including 9 books, 16 editorships, and more than 30 articles in class A journals). These include the critical edition: Benedetto Croce, Storie e leggende napoletane, Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2019, 2 vols., pp. 744; the monographs: La ferinità umana, la guerra, lo spatriare. Riletture verghiane (2021); Per la didattica della letteratura italiana (2020); Tra imitatio e mimesis, Novelle e poetiche del Cinquecento (2014); "Jusque datum sceleri". Foscolo e la memoria dei vinti (2014); Partenze senza ritorno. Interpretare Verga (2014); Il rappezzo ininterrotto. Benedetto Croce tra scritture e riscritture (2012); Verga (2011); Significati della letteratura. Scritture e idee da Castelvetro a Timpanaro (2007)
  • Participates in the Project PNRR - CHANGES (Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society); SPOKE 3 (Digital libraries, archives and philology): Realisation of digital editions of 19th century Italian literature texts: Verga.
  •  He graduated in Literature in 1985, at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Catania, with a thesis on the 16th-century field, supervisor Gaetano Compagnino (110/110 with honours and dignity, 'Lanzerotti Pantano' prize for the best thesis in Literature of the year 1985). From 1987 to 1990, he was the coordinator of the Catania office of a project (for the Ministry of Culture) for the valorisation of archival assets, and he prepared the computerised inventory of the fonds of ancient Sicilian notaries (up to 1860) kept at the State Archives in Catania.  Under the guidance of Gaetano Compagnino, he obtained his PhD in Literary and Linguistic Sciences, cycle VII, announced by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research (administrative seat University of Catania) with a thesis on Benedetto Croce, discussed before the national commission at the University of Pavia on 6.12.1996. Winner of three different competitions for ordinary professorships, based on examinations and qualifications, in upper secondary schools, he was a tenured teacher of Italian and Latin in high schools from 1992 to 2004, and from 2000 to 2004 he was also a supervisor of the internship for the linguistic-literary course at the Sicilian Inter-University School of Specialisation for Secondary Teaching (SISSIS) of the University of Catania, without ever interrupting his collaboration, in research and teaching, with the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy (chairs of Methodology and History of Literary Criticism, Theory of Literature, Italian Literature).
  •  He has been on university staff since 2005


Catania, 02/04/2024                        Andrea Manganaro    


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016
  • PNRR project 'CHANGES - Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society': Digital commentary edition of some works by Giovanni Verga
  • italian short story: Boccaccio, short story of the sixteenth century; 
  • Foscolo;
  • Giovanni Verga,  verism, naturalism, realism;
  • History of criticism: poetics of the sixteenth century; classicism and romanticism in the early nineteenth century; literary criticism and   historiography between nineteenth century and twentieth century (especially De Sanctis, Russo, Gramsci);  
  • Benedetto Croce narrator and critic between the nineteenth and twentieth century;
  • National edition of Benedetto Croce's works: Storie e leggende napoletane critical edition; 
  • National edition of Giovanni Verga's works:  Storia di una capinera; 
  • thematic criticism: contagions; war; literature/medicine
  • didactics of literature. 

Recent publications: 

  • Quelli che camminano nella notte”. Note sulla rappresentazione della cecità nella letteratura italiana, in  Il racconto della malattia. Intersezioni tra letteratura e medicina,  Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2023 (“Raccordi", vol. 1), a cura di Daniela De Liso, Valeria Merola, Sebastiano Valerio,  pp. 139-152
  • Giovanni Verga cent’anni dopo: il potere di chi giudica, lo straniamento, e la sua “terza via”, in «Italica» (Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian), 99, 2, 2022, pp. 222-240print ISSN 0021-3020; online ISSN 2325-6672 (rivista di classe A)
  • Osservare senza giudicare? Condanna e colpa nel mondo di Verga (e nel nostro), in  «Annali della Fondazione Verga» n.s. XV, 2022 (volume  monografico A scuola con Giovanni Verga, a cura di Gabriella Alfieri e Andrea Manganaro), pp. 75-90 ISSN  2038-2243 (rivista di classe A)
  • La ferinità umana, la guerra, lo spatriare. Riletture verghiane,, Catania-Leonforte, Fondazione Verga-Euno Edizioni, 2021, pp. 192
  • Per la didattica della letteratura italiana, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, 2020, pp. 152
  • Critical Edition: Benedetto Croce, Storie e leggende napoletane, edited by A. Manganaro, Napoli, Bibliopolis, 2019 (National edition of the works of Benedetto Croce. Writings of literary and political history. VII), 2 voll., pp. 1-744


See reviews in the national press and in scientific journals:


Mario Pozzi, in "Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana", 2022, n. 666, pp. 301-308

Carmelo Tramontana, in "Per leggere", n. 40, 2021

Nicolò Mineo, in "Italica", 2021, 1, pp. 211-213


Lorenzo Abbate, in "La Rassegna della letteratura italiana", 2020, 2, pp. 578-580

Maria Panetta, in "Diacritica" , 37, 21 febbraio 2021

Giorgia Mosca, "La Sicilia" 16/10/2020

Romano Luperini, "L'immaginazione" 319, settembre-ottobre 2020


Michele Ciliberto, "Il Sole 24 ore", domenica, 06/09/2020:

Emma Giammattei, "Corriere del Mezzogiorno", 10/07/2020

Sossio Giametta, "Repubblica", 08/07/2020

Ugo Cundari, "Il Mattino", 03/07/2020