Full Professor of Literary criticism and comparative literature [L-FIL-LET/14]
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Attilio Scuderi, born in Catania (Italy), 04/ 21/ 1970. Lives in Catania, viale Bolano 37/F, CAP 95100.

-1988: Bachelor at Liceo Classico Statale “Mario Cutelli”, Catania, Final Grade 60/60.

- 12/ 13/ 1995: Graduated in Classics an Letters at Università “La Sapienza” in Rome. Final Grade 110/110 cum laude. Final Thesis about the Italian Author Vincenzo Consolo and the Literary Melancholy; relatrice prof.ssa Biancamaria Frabotta.

- 04/20/ 2001: PHD in English and Angloamerican Studies at the University of Catania; Title of the difended final thesis: “Forms of Irony:anti-detective Novel in Paul Auster and Leonardo Sciascia”.

- 2000: Visiting instructor at the Duke University, North Carolina, USA, nell’anno 2000; Classes of Italian 01 and Italian 63.

- 2001-2002: Docente a contratto in Comparative Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Catania.

- June 2002: Wins the Public Competition for Ricercatore of Comparative Literature and Literary Criticism at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (settore scientifico-disciplinare L-Fil-Lett/14)

- 2002-2013: Professore aggregato of Comparative Literature, Italian Literature, Medieval Comparative Literature at the Faculties of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Letters and Philosophy, University of Catania.

2005-2007: Professore incaricato of Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature, University of Enna, Unikore.

2009-2011: Professor and Tutor, dottorato of English and Angloamerican Studies, University of Catania.

2006-2012: Member of The Committee for the Evaluation of The Researchers in the Humanities of the University of Catania.

2010-2014: Editor for the Review of Literary and Cultural Studies Contemporanea.

November 2014: Professore Associato of Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature, University of Catania, Department of Humanistic Sciences

Main fields of Research:

Literature and Myth, and Thematology (see the monography: Il paradosso di Proteo. Mito e storia di una rappresentazione culturale, Carocci, Roma, 2012; Il liberino in fuga. Machiavelli e la genealogia di un modello culturale, Donzelli 2018)

European Identity, History of Humanism and Literature ( see the monographies: L’ombra del filologo. Romanzo europeo e crisi della letteratura umanistica, Mondadori-Le Monnier, 2009; L’arcipelago del vivente. Umanesimo e diversità in Elias Canetti, Donzelli, Roma, Saggine, n. 268, 2016.).

Literature and Social Sciences. Italian Literature of XIXth and XXth Centuries (monographies: Scrittura senza fine. Le metafore malinconiche di Vincenzo Consolo, Enna-Palermo 1998; Erri De Luca, Firenze 2002; Lo stile dell’ironia. Leonardo Sciascia e la tradizione del romanzo, Lecce 2004).