History of international relations

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE MAIMONE

Expected Learning Outcomes

The main objectives are to help students to acquire an in-depth knowledge of main facts and dynamics that have affected the Middle East and Africa from the 7th Century to the present, and to engage critically with the interpretations of the historical processes that have shaped the two continents in order to acquire the mean to analyze both present events and International relations of Middle Eastern and African countries.

Course Structure

Lectures and PPT presentations, guided discussion on the proposed texts. Students are invited to take part in discussions.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

This course is designed to provide a general knowledge of the History of the International relations, with a special focus on Africa and the Middle East from the rise of Islam to modern times. It focuses on political, social and cultural transformations in specific countries and the region/continent as a whole.

Textbook Information

About international and regional institutions:
- UN, History of the League of Nations, UNOG Library, Registry, Records and Archives Unit, UN Library, 14p. 
- N.J. Schrijver, “The Future of the Charter of the United Nations”, in A. Bogdandy-R. Wolfrum (eds.), Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, vol. 10, 2006, Cap. 1, 34p.
- G. Rossi, "Africa in primo piano. Unione Africana e NEPAD", in Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali, vol. 70, n. 1 (277), gen.-mar. 2003, pp. 39-46 (8p.).
- F. Nunè, "La Lega degli Stati arabi", in Oriente Moderno, nuova serie, a. 14 (75), nn. 7/12, lug.-dic. 1995, pp. 205-212 (8p.).


About Africa e the Middle East:
- G.P. Calchi Novati, P. Valsecchi, Africa: la storia ritrovata. Dalle prime forme politiche agli Stati nazionali, nuova ed., Carocci, 2016, 
pp. 79-101, 177-238, 303-333 (110p. circa).
- W.L. Cleveland, M. Bunton, Storia del Medio Oriente moderno, Mondadori Università, 2021, pp. 3-47, 80-488.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.