Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: LAVINIA GAZZE'

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course provides the student with

- the knowledge and understanding of the main methodological, critical and applicative aspects of the discipline, indicates research perspectives in areas and sectors relevant to the discipline, shows the various fields of interest within which disciplinary skills can be applied

- encourages the student's autonomy of judgement and ability to relate what has been learnt to other historical, literary, artistic, cultural heritage, historical-religious disciplines, etc.

- enables the student to use the knowledge acquired and to communicate in oral and written form using terminology appropriate to the discipline 

Course Structure

Frontal lectures and seminars 

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

The course aims to provide knowledge of the main historical and cultural themes related to the Grand Tour and the vision of Italy and Sicily in the historical, cultural, cartographic documentation during the modern age.. The lessons will be divided into modules as follows

 A. Italy on the the Grad Tour and the discovery of Sicily  between   archeology and sciences. The main themes from XVI to XIX century (3 CFU).

B.Culture and society (2 CFU).

C.Thematic course: Documents, books, pictures: Travellers’museum in Sicily (1 CFU). 

 The first part of the lessons will be devoted to exposing the mail topics related to modules A and B, such as

- the birth of the modern state

- religious crisis in sixteenth-century

- economy and society

- Wars, rivolts e revolution in seventeenth-century

- Enlightenment

 Part of the lessons will be reserved for the thematic course (modulo C)  devoted to the social and cultural role of the Spanish Inquisition in Sicily

Textbook Information

A. Italy on the the Grad Tour and the discovery of Sicily between   archeology and sciences (3 CFU)

     C. De Seta, L’Italia nello specchio del Grand Tour, in C. De Seta a cura di, Storia d’Italia, Annali vol.5, Einaudi, 1982, pp.125-263 ;

   F. Gringeri Pantano, L’isola del viaggio, Domenico Sanfilippo Editore, 2009, pp.2-111

 B. Cultura e società (2 CFU). Choose a book as an extension reading  

A. Brilli, Le viaggiatrici del Grand Tour, Il Mulino, 2020

H. Tuzet, Viaggiatori stranieri in Sicilia nel XVIII secolo, Sellerio, 1988

A. Brilli, Il viaggio in Italia, Storia di una grande tradizione culturale. Il Mulino, 2008

AA.VV., La Sicilia dei grandi viaggiatori, Edizioni Abete, 1988

 F. Venturi, L’Italia fuori dall’Italia, in R. Romano, C. Vivanti a cura di, Storia d’Italia, vol.3, Dal primo Settecento all’Unità,, Einaudi, 1973, pp. 985-1244.  

 C. Thematic course : Documents, books, pictures: Travellers’ museum in Sicily (1 CFU) 

 F. Gringeri Pantano, L’isola del viaggio, Domenico Sanfilippo Editore, 2009, pp.116-271