Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ENNIO GIUSEPPE AGATINO BIONDI

Expected Learning Outcomes

1)    Knowledge and understanding: the student will have to understand and interpret the fundamental dynamics of the history of ancient Sicily through the study of the main sources (literary texts, papyri, inscriptions, archaeological remains, iconographic finds, numismatic documents) coming from the eastern and western Mediterranean and distributed in a large time span including the Minoan age and the Roman conquest of Greece.

2)    Applying knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to connect the theoretical and methodological contents learned with the interpretation of past, present and future events and processes, and to use methodologies appropriate to the educational objectives.

3)    Making judgements: the student will acquire the ability to formulate opinions, in-depth opinions and critical rethinking of the contents learned.

4)    Communication skills: The analysis of the foundations of the discipline will allow the student to confront each other on a dialogical level with different interlocutors (specialists or not), motivate, in oral and written form, objectives, procedures and methodologies, acquiring awareness of the expressive means of the sectoral languages.

5)    Learning skills: the student will perfect his skills in the study of complex topics will make him able to improve his learning skills and use of innovative methodologies to deal with new problems.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, with the reading of selected literary and epigraphic testimonies, for the purpose of deepening the disciplinary contents acquired on a manual basis.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

Greek colonization in Sicily: Dorian and Ionic colonies

Lawgivers and early tyrants

The lordships: Dinomenides and Emmenides

The Carthaginians in Sicily

Syracuse and the democracy


Athens and Sicily

Dionysius the Elder and his successors

The restoration of Timoleon

Agathocles’ reign

Pyrrhus in Sicily

Hieron II

The Punic wars in Sicily

The Roman province of Sicily: administration, city organization and tax system

The island between II and I centuries BC

The servile revolts

Verres and the Verrines

Ius Latii and Roman citizenship to Sicilian cities

Sextus Pompey and Sicily

The Augustan era in Sicily

Administrative status of Sicilian cities in the imperial era

Sicily between I and II centuries AD: wheat importance, building renovation; the villas

The Severian era


The large estates in Sicily during the empire

Late antique villas

The barbarian invasions

Textbook Information

Module 1 (3 cfu): Greek Sicily

Introductory text: L. Braccesi, G. Millino, La Sicilia greca, Rome 2000 (rist. 2009), pp. 237.



Module 2 (2 cfu): Roman Sicily.

Introductory text: C. Soraci, La Sicilia romana. Secc. III a.C. – V d.C., Roma 2016, pp. 175.


Module 3 (1 cfu): Sicily in the age of Verres

Reading and historical commentary of Cicero, In Gaium Verrem actionis secundae, II, 1-50.

Text: choice of the student.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.