PhD Student
PhD in - XXXIX cycle
Tutor: Francesca Maria VIGO

Federica Silvestri is a second-year PhD student in Science of Interpretation at the University of Catania, Italy. Her main research interests lie in English sociolinguistics, with a special focus on the Italian American community. Her doctoral research project aims at creating and examining a text-based corpus of linguistic and communicative practices employed by members of the Italian American community on Instagram. The analysis will be conducted from a twofold perspective: firstly, a linguistic and pragmatic investigation will be carried out; then, the focus will shift towards the processes of construction of the Italian American identity in digital contexts.

Research Interests
Digital Ethnography, Migration Studies, Pragmatics, Social Media Language, Sociolinguistics

PhD in Science of Interpretation, University of Catania, Italy (August 2023 – present)
Executive Master Degree (I level) in “Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il Made in Italy”, Fondazione Italia USA (February 2024)
MA in Foreign Languages and Comparative Literature (with distinction), University of Catania, Italy (October 2022)
BA in Foreign Languages and Cultures (with distinction), University of Catania, Italy (November 2020)

Professional Experience
Academic tutor (assigned course: English Language and Translation 2), Department of Humanities, University of Catania (October 2024 – present)
Academic tutor (assigned course: English Language), Department of Humanities, University of Catania (October 2024 – present)
Academic tutor (assigned course: English Language and Translation 2), Department of Humanities, University of Catania (January 2024 – May 2024)

Honours / Awards
Premio America Giovani per il talento universitario (Fondazione Italia USA), May 2023

AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica)
ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English)
I-LanD Interuniversity Research Centre (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
LinE - Language in Education Research Centre (University of Messina)


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