Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ROSARIA SARDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1. knowledge and understanding.

The course aims to provide students with advanced tools to analyze semiotic, pragmalinguistic, sociolinguistic structures of modern Italian, in relation to media textuality.

2. ability to apply knowledge and understanding

By adopting principles and methods of Italian linguistics (procedural approach; metalinguistic and diaphasic competence) and stylistics, the course aims to offer the conceptual and methodological tools to understand and then analyze texts on the phono-morphological; morphosyntactic; semantic-lexical; syntactic-discursive levels

It also offers skills and strategies necessary to code complex and composite texts in the different fields of media communication.

3. autonomy of judgement

The metalinguistic, stylistic and pragmatic-textual knowledge and skills acquired to understand and analyze texts are aimed at enhancing students' capacity for critical and autonomous judgement, and at developing problem solving skills, also in view of their professional future

4. communication skills

The training activity of the course involves interactive work in class on the guided analysis of texts in order to transmit relational skills and public speaking abilities

5. ability to carry out research autonomously.


Course Structure

Interactive approach: identifying and analyzing semiotic, linguistic and stylistic structures of various texts (spoken text, audiovisual texts, written texts).

Required Prerequisites

Principles of General Linguistics

Attendance of Lessons

Detailed Course Content

Principles of General Semiotics and Basic Elements of Text Semiotics and Linguistics; Trends of contemporary Italian Language; Diachronic and sociolinguistic variations of the language in relation to media varieties. Mass-media Languages and Texts with regard to both analysis/decodification and construction/codification processes.

Textbook Information

Module A - Principles of Semiotics and Textual linguistics.


M.P. Pozzato (2011), Semiotica del testo. Metodi, autori, esempi, Roma, Carocci, pp. 15-296.


Module B - Italian language and mass media: linguistic structures and texts


. Palermo, Italiano scritto 2.0, Roma, Carocci, 2017, pp.15-130

- R. Gualdo, L’italiano dei giornali, Roma, Carocci, 2007, pp. 11-139)

- F. Rossi, Lingua italiana e cinema, Roma, Carocci, 2007, pp. 7-123

- G. Alfieri, I. Bonomi, Lingua italiana e televisione, Roma, Carocci, 2012, pp. 9-139

- R. Sardo, C’era una volta la tv per ragazzi… Contenuti narrativi e modelli linguistici web/televisivi per i digitali nativi, «Lingue e culture dei media», vol. 2, n. 1, 2018, pp. 1-57 (rivista open access on line)

- M. Dota, Una fotografia vale più di mille parole? Fenomenologia linguistica dello Storytelling giovanile in Instagram, «Lingue e culture dei media», v. 3, nn. 1-2, 2019,

- R. Sardo, Colorito locale” e coscienza metalinguistica nei gialli di Santo Piazzese e di Domenico Seminerio, «Italica Wratislaviensia», vol. 11, n. 2, 2020: La letteratura siciliana. Studi letterari, linguistici e traduttologici, a cura di G. La Rosa e J. Łukaszewicz, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, pp. 73-95 (journal open access on line)