Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: MARIA RIZZARELLI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students with knowledge and methodological skills addressed to identify the interactions between contemporary literature and modern and contemporary visual culture. The course is devoted to the following specific knowledge and skills:

1) Knowledge and understanding
Know the main topics of the course and understand the theoretical concepts 
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Express interdisciplinary considerations on political and cultural debate of mass-media communication and in particular of newspapers.
3) Autonomy of judgment
Integrate the knowledge of the course and formulate interpretative hypotheses on the proposed case studies
4) Communication skills
Development of the specialized lexicon referring to the proposed field of study
5) Learning skill 
Autonomy in the recognition of bibliographic sources and in the integration of contents



Course Structure

The course is divided into two modules (each one of 18 hours): through the first one, dedicated to the analysis of the interplay between journalism and literature in reference to the intellectual model represented by Sciascia and to the reconstruction of the political-cultural debate on the affair, the students will be able to reflect and study forms and genres of journalistic communication, whilst acquiring the theoretical, methodological and analytical tools, which will then be applied to the case studies proposed in the second module. The second part of the course presents some examples of interview by writers during the twentieth century. Students will have to choose two examples and discuss their analysis in a seminarial form. Face to face time and laboratory dimension will alternate and the steady, active participation of the students in the lessons will be encouraged.

Detailed Course Content

Modulo A Sciascia and the Moro affair (3 Cfu)

Modulo B Literary interview  (3 Cfu)

Textbook Information

Module A Sciascia and the Moro affair (3 Cfu)


- L. Sciascia, L’affaire Moro, Milano, Adelphi, 2000.

- P.P. Pasolini, 1 febbraio 1975. L’articolo delle lucciole, in Id., Saggi sulla politica e la società, a cura di W. Siti e S. De Laude, Milano, Mondadori, 1999, pp.404-411.

- I. Calvino, Le parole uscite da quella prigione (1978) e Id., Moro ovvero una tragedia del potere (1978), in Id., Saggi 1945-1985, a cura di M. Barenghi, tomo II, pp. 2336-2343 e 2349-2352.

- N. Ginzburg, La qualità della vita, «La Stampa», 5 maggio 1978, ora in «Doppiozero»,


Critical Essays:

- C. Bertoni, Letteratura e giornalismo, Roma, Carocci, 2009.

- A. Berardinelli, Giornalismo culturale, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2021 (a selection of pages will be avaible on studium).

- M. Belpoliti, Settanta, Torino, Einaudi, (cap. 1).

- G. Traina, Leonardo Sciascia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1999.


Module B Literary Interview (3 Cfu)


A (1 from the follow list)

T. Capote, Musica per camaleonti, Milano, Garzanti, 2021.

C. Lonzi, Autoritratto. Accardi, Alviani, Castellani, Consagra, Fabro, Fontana, Kounellis, Nigro, Paolini, Pascali, Rotella, Scarpitta, Turcato, Twombly, Milano, Abscondita, 2019.

O. Fallaci, Gli antipatici, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014.

D. Maraini, E tu chi eri? 26 interviste sull’infanzia, Milano, Rizzoli, 1998.

G. Manganelli, Le interviste impossibili, Milano, Adelphi, 1997.


B (1 from the follow list)

The Paris Review. Interviste, vol. 5, Fandango, 2018

N. Ginzburg, È difficile parlare di sé, Torino, Einaudi, 1999.

R. Barthes, La grana della voce. Interviste 1962-1980, Torino, Einaudi, 1997.

S. Sontag, Odio sentirmi una vittima. Intervista su amore, dolore e scrittura con Jonathan Cott, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2016.

F. Truffaut, Il cinema secondo Hitchcock, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2014.


Critical Essay:

F. Fastelli, L’intervista letteraria. Storia e teoria di un genere trascurato, Roma, Carocci, 2019.



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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.