Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MELANIA NUCIFORA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims at offering a critical understanding of the historical process of European Integration The main steps of this process are examined from the end of World War II and the postwar reconstruction to the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon. The history of the European Community is outlined in the light of the Twentieth Century International History. For this purpose, the course aims at offering a common framework of critical knowledge of some fundamental aspects of the late twenty century international history (Cold War, Decolonization, energetic crisis, development models’ changes), even suggesting historiographical perspectives and paths that could be independently explored by the students.

The course will focus on some aspects of the integration process, with reference to the most significant communitarian policy areas. This will give the opportunity to develop, according to the Dublin descriptors, a proper comprehension of the communitarian language and method, even by means of the sources’ analysis, aiming at enhancing a good mastery of the communitarian matter and allowing the students to formulate research questions and hypothesis and to present historical-critical contents to a specialist and non-specialist audience.

Course Structure

The course is articulated partly in lectures and partly in seminary class work. During the seminars, students will work in groups reading texts and presenting their readings and historical sources. Assessment test will be scheduled at the end of each module.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Analyzing the most significant steps in the history of the construction of the European Union since the foundation of the CECAS, the course will focus on the gradual institutional transformations regulating the changeable processes of decision making within the Community and the dynamics of the widening of the Community from a “Europe of the Six” to the Europe of the twenty-seven introducing new themes in the communitarian agenda. The history of the communitarian Europe will be analyzed within the framework of the geopolitical changes characterizing the second half of the Twentieth century. The main themes will be dealt with, from the “Golden Age” to the “cold war”, from the crisis of the Seventies to the thaw and the breaking down of the Communist world, from the beginning of international cooperation to the processes of globalization.

The course will offer in-depth focus on the evolution of some sector policies whose development has contributed to the strengthening of the communitarian acquis and on some historiographical interpretations of the fundamental steps in its development.

Textbook Information

Modulo A (3 ECTS)

International History of the second half of the Twentieth Century.

T. Detti, G. Gozzini, Storia contemporanea. Il Novecento, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2002, Capp. 12-21, pp. 211-442.


Or (new edition)

T. Detti, G. Gozzini, Storia contemporanea. Vol. 2 Il Novecento, Pearson 2017, Capp. 11-20, pp. 200-430.


Modulo B (3 ECTS)

History of the European Integration

L. Rapone, Storia dell'integrazione europea, Carocci, Roma 2015, pp. 198.


Modulo C (3 ECTS)

Monographic courses

One text from the following ones:

- L. Scichilone, L’Europa e la sfida ecologica. Storia della politica ambientale europea (1969-1998), il Mulino, Bologna 2008, pp. 292.

- M. Mascia, D. Preda, F. Velo (a cura di), A sessant'anni dai Trattati di Roma: dal mercato comune all'unione economica e monetaria. Una prospettiva storica, Bari, Cacucci Editore, 2018, pp. 184.

- G. Laschi, L'Europa agricola, dalla fame agli sprechi. Storia della PAC (1945-2004), Il mulino, Bologna 2022, pp. 408.

- G. Laschi, L'Europa e gli altri. Le relazioni esterne della Comunità dalle origini al dialogo nord-sud, Bologna, Il mulino, 2015, pp. 400.

- S. Cruciani, M. Ridolfi (a cura di), L'Unione Europea e il Mediterraneo. Relazioni internazionali, crisi politiche e regionali (1947-2016), Francoangeli, Milano 2017, pp. 240.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.