Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Guido ANSELMI

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, the Course intends to pursue the following aims:

1) Knowledge and understanding

Students will acquire in-depth knowledge about the economic and political processes that underpin globalization. They will be able to understand patterns of resource concentration and patterns of territorial dispersion within  chains of command.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Students will be able to recognize, even in unfamiliar contexts (e.g. a new digital platform, a new transnational entity) the economic and political processes that underpin globalization

3) Making judgments

Starting from freely available information (e.g. news in the general or specialist press), students will be able to formulate an independent ethical judgment about the social responsibilities of transnational organizations, multinationals and digital platforms

4) Communication skills

Students will be able to expose the functioning of digital platforms, as well as the political/economic processes underlying them, to an expert and non-expert audience

5) Learning skills

Students will be able to autonomously acquire information about the functioning of globalization processes and to critically connect these to the functioning of digital platforms

Course Structure

The course mainly takes place through lectures, however numerous operational examples will be provided regarding the practice of research in a digital environment. Students will have the opportunity to use some tools for data acquisition and processing.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course will address the following topics:

1. History of globalization processes

2. History of financialization processes

3. The birth of platforms in the context of a global economy

4. How to study platforms

5. How to study social phenomena on digital platforms

Textbook Information

Sassen S. (2008). Una sociologia della globalizzazione. Einaudi, pp. 308.

Lupton D. (2018). Sociologia digitale. Pearson, pp. 203.

Srnicek, N. (2017). Platform Capitalism. Polity Press, pp. 120.


Srnicek, N. (2017). Capitalismo digitale. Google, Facebook, Amazon e la nuova economia del web. Italia: Luiss University Press, pp. 180.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.