Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SIMONA VENERA TODARO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to raise awareness of the potential of experimental archeology as an archaeological research methodology in the interpretation of material data, but also in teaching and dissemination. The main objective is to initiate students into the practice of scientific experimentation, that is, to provide adequate preparation to design an experiment and its protocol thanks to a careful analysis of the data and the correct formulation of questions also addressed to other humanistic, naturalistic and archaeometric disciplines. Particular attention will be paid to experimentation in the study of technological evolution; the transmission of know-how and the difference between theoretical and practical learning.


Based on the Dublin descriptors, the objectives of the course are:

1) Knowledge and understanding. The course wants to Introduce students to the potential of experimental archeology as an archaeological research methodology in the interpretation of material data, but also in teaching and dissemination.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. The course wants to Initiate students into the practice of scientific experimentation, that is, provide them with adequate preparation to design an experiment with a careful analysis of the data and the correct formulation of questions, which need to be addressed also to other disciplinies in the field of Human Sciences.

3) Autonomy of judgment. The course will lead students to approach critically reading and texts and will encourage them to compare systematically theoretical interpretations and practical experiments.

4) Communication skills. The course aims to provide students with a specialized terminology to enable them to communicate adequately their knowledge to the scientific community and to the wider public.

5) Learning skills. The course aims to develop autonomy in the ability to identify the most representative scientific texts and understand them adequately.

Course Structure

The course is divided into two parts: theory and practice.

The first part will take place in the classroom with lectures, supported by ppt and other materials; the second part will take place in the classroom and / or outdoors, and involves the use of raw materials.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course begins with the exposition of the history of the discipline and will explain its relationship with ethnography and cultural anthropology and with archaeometry, its scientific practice and its objectives in archaeological research, teaching, dissemination as well as in the enhancement of the historical-archaeological heritage.

It continues with the exposition of the educational and pedagogical potential of Experimental Archeology in research and dissemination (in schools, archaeological parks and museums), clarifying the difference between simulation practice and exploratory-cognitive practice functional to research. During the course, experimental tests are planned in relation to the processing of ceramics, stone, bone and vegetable fibers. These are tests aimed at putting the experimental procedure into practice, from the design of the experiment, to the drafting of the protocol, up to the carrying out of the tests.

Textbook Information

1) J., 1981, Archeologia sperimentale, Milano.

2) Gaj G., 2005, Archeologia sperimentale, in Technologhia, 1, Torino, pp. 7-12

3) Guidi A., Bellintani P., Chelidonio G., Longo L., 2003, Archeologia sperimentale nell’archeologia italiana, in Atti del conv. Archeologie sperimentali Metodologie ed esperienze fra verifica, riproduzione, comunicazione e simulazione, Comano Terme -Fiavè 2001, pp.77-95.

4) Longo L., 2003, Archeologia sperimentale, esperimenti in archeologia, divulgazione. Osservazioni su significato e ruolo dell’Archeologia sperimentale, in Rivista Scienze Preistoriche, LIII, pp.549-568.

5) Zifferero A., 2003, Archeologia sperimentale e parchi archeologici, in Atti del conv. Archeologie sperimentali. Metodologie ed esperienze fra verifica, riproduzione, comunicazione e simulazione, Comano Terme – Fiavè 2001, pp. 49-76.

6) Mannoni T, Giannichedda E. 1996, Archeologia della produzione, cap. I, II, III, IV, Einaudi, Torino

7) Vidale M., 2004, Che cos'è l'etnoarcheologia, Carocci, Roma

8) Todaro S, 2020 Prima del tornio. Un approccio sperimentale allo studio delle tecniche di foggiatura nel mediterraneo preistorico, Roma 2020, Edizioniquasar.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.