History of architecture

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Vittorio FIORE

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1.                  demonstrate knowledge and understanding through: the reading of case studies chosen in the panorama of historical architectural heritage, set on a methodology that allows to recognize the lexical characteristics of architecture; the recognition and placement of a work in the chronological panorama;

2.                  strengthen the ability to transfer reading methodologies and stylistic recognition to other architectural artifacts, in different and new contexts;

3.                  demonstrate to be able to apply knowledge, and skills: in solving cases inserted in interdisciplinary contexts related to their field of study; continuing to study and deal independently with new cases that will arise in the course of professional life;

4.                  develop the ability to manage the complexity of case studies, as well as make judgments on the basis of hypotheses, limited or incomplete information, including reflection on social and ethical responsibilities related to the judgments expressed;

5.                  be able to communicate in a clear, concise and unambiguous way the conclusions and evaluations, as well as the knowledge, the hypotheses to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

Course Structure



Test in itinere (on part of the program),

Seminars with experts.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to provide the tools for the understanding of monuments and minor buildings through their formal, spatial, typological and constructive characters, as well as cultural contexts and relationships with the arts, through the examination of works and architects of modern and -above all- contemporary age.

The main issues of classical architecture and their transfer to modern and above all contemporary architecture are investigated, through an overview to which some monographic insights will alternate: themes, places, architectures, protagonists that intertwine outlining the role of architecture in the city and in society.

Textbook Information

  1. History of modern architecture (2 CFU)


P. Nuttgens, La storia dell’architettura, Phaidon, italian edition, Paravia Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2001 [pp.176-189 (renaissance); pp.202-217 (baroque); pp.218-229 (neoclassicism); pp.240-251 (iron architecture)].


  1. History of contemporary architecture (5 CFU)


R. de Fusco, Storia dell’Architettura contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1974, pp. 500.


  1. Case studies (1 module chosen by the student; 2 CFU)


-C1. - J. Rykwert, Adam. Nascita di uno stile, Electa, Milano, 1984, pp. 38-77 ; 90-96.

        -M. Steffens, Schinkel, Taschen, Colonia, 2004, pp.89.

-C2. - – Murray, L’architettura del rinascimento italiano, Laterza, Bari, 1969, pp.133-159 (Bramante a Roma : San Pietro).

-C3. - B. Zevi (a cura di), Frank Lloyd Wright, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1979, (pagine selezionate)

-C4. Architettura in Sicilia tra le due guerre :

       - L. Dufour, Nel segno del Littorio, Ed. Lussografica, Palermo, 2005, pp.121-136, 147-149,155-160, 197-212.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.


The teacher will provide handouts or upload articles and a selection of extracts that cannot be consulted or taken from texts no longer on the market on the Studium platform.