PhD Student
PhD in Sciences for Cultural Heritage and Production - XXXIX cycle
Tutor: Paolo Biagio CIPOLLA

Roberto Indovina, Italian-Argentine by origin, is a PhD student in Sciences for Heritage and Cultural Production (XXXIX cycle) with the research project "Ut pictura poesis. A Philological Approach to Figured Pottery Scenes for the Valorisation of Cultural Heritage".

Alongside with his studies in the Humanities field, he devoted himself to teaching Modern Greek and Spanish. He graduated in Humanities (L-10) with a final exam entitled “Modern Greek. Principles of experiential learning and emotional intelligence in language teaching” (Supervisor: Prof. Caterina Papatheu). He has held courses in Italy and workshops in Higher Education Institutes in Spain: “Introducción al idioma griego moderno a través de su historia” and “Del griego antiguo al griego moderno”.

During his university period at the Department of Philology of the University of Crete, he began teaching Spanish and Hispanic-American language and culture to Greek speakers. Upon his return to Italy, he qualified at the Instituto Cervantes as an examiner for international DELE certifications and as a facilitator for SIELE certification, working as a conversation auxiliary and native speaker expert in courses offered by organisations specialised in teaching Spanish as LS/L2. He actively collaborates with the DELE examination centre of the University of Catania, where he is an examiner (Head Supervisor of the centre: Prof. María Cándida Muñoz Medrano).

After obtaining a Master's Degree in Classical Philology (LM-15) at the DISUM of the University of Catania with a thesis entitled "Clues of a relationship with dramatic texts in the vascular iconography of Hephaestus" (Supervisor: Prof. Monica Centanni | Co-supervisor: Prof. Paolo Biagio Cipolla, final mark: 110/110 cum laude), he furthered his studies at the same Department with the Master's Degree in Archaeology (LM-2) and a thesis entitled "Figured Pottery from the Sicilian museums and its connection with Attic drama: a philological approach to images" (Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Biagio Cipolla | Co-supervisor: Prof. Monica Centanni).

He is currently a member of the scientific and organisational secretariat of the cycle of seminars and conferences I lunedì del classico. Seminari catanesi di scienze antiche (Classical Mondays. Seminars on Ancient Sciences, University of Catania), of the Editorial Board of the journal La Rivista di Engramma. The Classical Tradition in Western Memory (Anvur: band A for 10/A1 and 10/D2 sectors) and contributes to the research strand on the Philology of Images.

Ut pictura poesis. A Philological Approach to Figured Pottery Scenes for the Valorisation of Cultural Heritage

[Project funded by the Sicilian Region | ESF+ PR 2021-2027]

Investigating the connections between the mythographic tradition, the Attic drama and the scenes of figured pottery is the central objective of this project. Its aim is to promote a conscious enjoyment of the artistic heritage through the use of technology and the proposal of interactive activities within museum circuits.

The conceptual basis underlying the contact between iconology and visual culture, with the help of studies in archaeology and philology, revolves around the action of the gaze, the imaginary and the imaginative in the shared cultural repertoire. In the ancient world, the visual experience of performances and works of art represented a characterising element, essential for conceiving collective communication; the observation of the staging of a theatrical performance, for example, could directly or indirectly inspire artists in the creation of craft products, such as the vases under investigation.

In order to interpret vascular representations, the mediation of literary texts can act as a guide for the decoding of a compositional scheme or visual language, through which short circuits, translations/traditions and new readings of the images can be identified, in which may emerge interferences and iconographic variants of themes and myths.

Moreover, to foster a synergy between the different research approaches and to facilitate their use in the area, the goal is to facilitate an effective communication related to archaeological assets: therefore, the creation of a multimedia archive containing images, texts and hypertexts related to the results of the analyses is planned.


Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

  • Research seminar curated by M.L. Catoni and M. Centanni with M. Bassani, A. Beltrametti, L. Bertelli, C. Cataldo, P.B. Cipolla, M. Di Bello, A. Grilli, R. Indovina, R. Olivito, A. Poggio, Iconogramma. Per una filologia delle immagini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, 4th of July 2024)
  • Round table curated by M. Centanni and P.B. Cipolla with A. Beltrametti, C. Cataldo, E. Giudice, A. Gostoli, A. Grilli, O. Imperio, R. Indovina, Iconogramma. The interaction between text and image in the reconstruction and exegesis of ancient drama (University of Catania, Syracuse, 10th of May 2024)
  • Research seminar with M. Bassani, A.C. Bellinato, C. Cataldo, M. Centanni, R. Indovina, L. Rebaudo, Iconogramma. Filologia delle immagini. Ongoing research and perspectives (Iuav University of Venice, 29th of November 2023)
  • Research seminar with M. Bassani, C. Cataldo, M. Centanni, R. Indovina, L. Rebaudo, Iconogramma (Iuav University of Venice, 6th of June 2023)
  • Research seminar with M. Bassani, A.C. Bellinato, A. Beltrametti, C. Cataldo, M. Centanni, M.G. Ciani, F. Ghedini, A. Grilli, R. Indovina, L. Rebaudo, Filologia delle immagini (Iuav University of Venice, 17th of January 2023)
  • Seminar curated by M. Centanni with M. Baggio, M. Bassani, A. Beltrametti, C. Cataldo, A. Grilli, R. Indovina, L. Rebaudo, Filologia delle immagini. New readings. V-IV century BC vascular finds (Iuav University of Venice, 4th of May 2022)

Participations during the PhD

  • Participation as a speaker, with a talk entitled Τρὶς εἰς ἐμὸν ἔπτυσα κόλπον (Theoc. Idyll. VI, 39). Iconographic traces of the apóptysis gesture, at the First Conference of the University Association for the Study of the Greek World To Hellenikon: Aspects and Constructions of Greek Identity | 27th - 30th of June 2024 | Nafplio, Greece
  • Interactive experience: A hilarious spring. Re-enactment and mise-en-scène of an ancient funeral rite | Collateral event FAI Spring Days | 23rd – 24th of March 2024 | Hypogeum, Villa Modica (Viale Regina Margherita, 35), Catania, Italy
  • Poster Session: Digital Exhibitions and Dispersed Heritage. A proposal for an itinerary following the story of the delivery of Achilles' weapons | International Conference MINOM 2024 | 22nd – 23rd of February 2024 | Benedictine Monastery, University of Catania, Italy
  • Setting up of the multisensory exhibition Museum for all the Senses. A Journey through the City's Museum Collections and Cultural Heritage | Museum of Sicilian Knowledge and Mirabilia | November – December 2023 | Central Palace, University of Catania, Italy

Other activities during the PhD

  • Local organizing committee member for Iconicity in Language and Literature XIV | International Conference | 30th of May – 1st of June 2024 | Benedictine Monastery, University of Catania, Italy
  • Logistics team member for Images, symbols, languages of migrations | International Conference | 11th – 12th of April 2024 | Benedictine Monastery, University of Catania, Italy
  • Tutor for didactic-integrative activities and orientation within the framework of the master's degree courses in Archaeology (LM-2) and in Classical Philology (LM-15) | A.Y. 2023/24
  • Logistics team member for CHAIN 2024 Cultural Heritage Academic Interdisciplinary Network | International Conference | 27th – 29th of February 2024 | Benedictine Monastery, University of Catania, Italy
  • Facilitator and logistics team member for MINOM 2024 Mouvement International pour la Nouvelle Muséologie | International Conference | 22nd – 23rd of February 2024 | Benedictine Monastery, University of Catania, Italy
  • Member of the scientific and organisational secretariat of the cycle of seminars and conferences I lunedì del classico. Seminari catanesi di scienze antiche (Classical Mondays. Seminars on Ancient Sciences) | Benedictine Monastery, University of Catania, Italy
  • Editorial board member of the journal La Rivista di Engramma. The Classical Tradition in Western Memory | ClassicA study centre, Iuav University of Venice, Italy


  • ADDRI Catania ordinary member (Association of Italian Doctoral Students and PhDs)
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