Ninna Maria Lucia MARTINES

PhD Student
PhD in - XXXVIII cycle
Tutor: Andrea MANGANARO

Ninna Maria Lucia Martines is a PhD student in Science of Interpretation (XXXVIII cycle) at the Department of Humanities of the University of Catania with a research project on Verga. Her interests concern issues of historiography, criticism and philology of Italian literature, with particular reference to the 19th century, but she has also dealt with Petrarchism and genre literature. She submitted scientific publications and participated in international congresses and summer school as speaker and organizer/chair (see "Research activities" and "Publications").

She is an Alumna of the Scuola Superiore of Catania - Mediterranean University Center (center for university education of higher level at the University of Catania), where she earned her second level master degree (Class of human and social sciences) with a thesis entitled Prolegomeni a un romanzo "sperimentale": I Malavoglia tra ispirazione letteraria ed elaborazione editoriale (score: 70 out 70 cum laude, supervisor Prof. Andrea Manganaro, co-supervisor Prof. Ambra Carta, a.y. 2021/22).

She collaborated with the editorial board for the publication of Letteratura e Potere/Poteri, Atti del XXIV Congresso dell’AdI (Associazione degli Italianisti), Catania, 23-25 settembre 2021, a cura di Andrea Manganaro, Giuseppe Traina, Carmelo Tramontana, Roma, Adi editore 2023, Letteratura e Potere/Poteri - ADI - Associazione degli Italianisti.

In July 2021 she earned her Master's Degree in Modern Philology at the Department of Humanities of the University of Catania, discussing the thesis entitled La genesi della moderna storiografia letteraria in Italia: il "caso" della Storia della letteratura italiana di Francesco De Sanctis (score: 110 out 110 cum laude, supervisor Prof. Andrea Manganaro, co-supervisor Prof. Massimo Schilirò).

In November 2019 she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Literature at the same Department, with a thesis entitled Il Saggio critico sul Petrarca di Francesco De Sanctis (score: 110 out 110 cum laude, supervisor Prof. Andrea Manganaro).

She won the public exam for admission to the Scuola Superiore of Catania and from the a.y. 2016/17 as an ordinary student she attended and passed the final exams of instrumental, interdisciplinary and specialist advanced courses, held by scholars from national and international universities.

As a member of "Associazione Allievi Scuola Superiore di Catania", in 2018 she was a trainer and member of the organizing committee for the IV preparation course of Latin language and Literature, entitled Lucrezio e la bellezza del cosmo (aimed at participation in the Certamen Lucretianum, organized from the "Leopardi-Majorana" High School in Pordenone, and aimed at student of the third, fourth and fifth year of the classical and scientific high schools from Sicily and Calabria). The previous year she was a trainer and member of the organizing committee for the third edition of the same course for the Certamen ciceronianum Arpinas (organized by "Marco Tullio Cicerone" Humanistic Studies Center in collaboration with the City of Arpino and aimed at students of the 4th and 5th year of classical and scientific high schools from Sicily and Calabria).

She was a columnist for «Il Chiasmo», online magazine by "Rete Italiana degli Allievi delle Scuole e degli Istituti di Studi Superiori Universitari" (RIASISSU), in collaboration with Treccani Institute.

In 2016 she obtained her classical high school diploma at the "Eschilo" High School in Gela (score: 100 out 100 cum laude). 


  • Ordinary member of "Associazione Alumni Scuola Superiore di Catania"
  • CAIS (Canadian Association for Italian Studies)
  • AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian

Currently engaged in a research project on Verga, her interests concern issues of historiography, criticism and philology of Italian literature, with particular reference to the 19th century, but she has also dealt with Petrarchism and genre literature with scientific publications and speeches in International Congresses, as speaker, organizer and chair.

Participation in International Congresses and Summer School as speaker and organizer/chair:

  • 4-7 May 2023, CAIS Congress (Canadian Association for Italian Studies), MIL Campus – Montréal: she organized and coordinated the panel (selected through cfp) entitled Presupposti e sviluppi di un “canone”: la storiografia della letteratura italiana tra XVIII e XXI secolo; she presented the essay entitled Il dibattito critico su una ‘nuova’ storiografia letteraria: riflessioni sulla svolta ottocentesca..
  • 24-25 November 2022, International Congress. Verga Pop. Verga Pop. Rifrazioni verghiane nelle arti visive, performative, nella letteratura e cultura popolare, University of Salamanca: she presented the essay (selected through cfp) entitled Trasposizioni di Verga nell’arte “multimediale” dei cantastorie siciliani: da Francesco Busacca a Giuseppe Castello (in progress of publication);
  • 19-21 May 2022, XIX International Congress of the “Escritoras y Escrituras” Research Group Molestias Textuales: escritoras contra la violencia, University of Seville – Faculty of Philology: she presented an essay (selected through cfp) entitled «Cuntintizza e figgi masculi»: Giuseppe Pitrè e i pregiudizi di genere tra folclore e analisi antropologica (see “publications”);
  • 9-10 September 2021, Summer School of Criticism and Literature, III edition, organized by the Inschibboleth Cultural Association and the Center for Philosophical, Literary and Human Sciences Research of Sassari, in collaboration with the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sassari and the Municipal Library of Castelsardo, with lectures by Giorgio Ficara, Raffaele Manica, Filippo La Porta, Massimo Onofri and Gianni Turchetta: she presented an essay (selected through cfp) entitled La riforma della critica letteraria tra testualità e vita: questioni di metodo e prospettiva.
  • 4-6 December 2020, XVIII International Congress of the “Escritoras y Escrituras” Reasearch Group Còmplices y rivales: las escritoras y sus relaciones, pasiones y afectos, University of Seville – Faculty of Philology: she presented an essay (selected through cfp) entitled Per un dialogo tra donne autentiche e dissacranti: Oriana Fallaci e Adele Cambria (see "publications").
  • 28-30 October 2019, XVI International Congress of the “Escritoras y Escrituras" Research Group Scrittrici italiane inedite nella Querelle des femmes: traduzioni in altre lingue, prospettive e bilanci, University of Seville - Faculty of Philology, at the "Leonardo Sciascia" Foundation ” in Racalmuto (AG): title of the essay (selected through cfp) Donna angelo e donna demone tra isteria e clausura: drammi ancestrali nelle autrici siciliane. Tra XIX e XXI secolo, gli scritti emblematici di Mariannina Coffa e Silvana Grasso  (see “publications”).


  • She collaborated with the editorial committee for the publication of Letteratura e Potere/Poteri, Atti del XXIV Congresso dell’AdI (Associazione degli Italianisti), Catania, 23-25 settembre 2021, edited by Andrea Manganaro, Giuseppe Traina, Carmelo Tramontana, Roma, Adi editore 2023, Letteratura e Potere/Poteri - ADI - Associazione degli Italianisti.

Publications in volumes and magazines:

  • Cuntintizza e figgi masculi": Giuseppe Pitrè e i pregiudizi di genere tra folclore e analisi antropologica, in Violencias textuales. La representación  de las violencias contra las mujeres, edited by N. Muñoz Maya, Madrid, Editorial DYKINSON, 2022, pp. 312-323 (ISBN: 978-84-1122-833-6).
  • Per un dialogo tra donne autentiche e dissacranti: Oriana Fallaci e Adele Cambria, in Escritoras y personajes femeninos en relaciòn, edited by D. Cerrato, Madrid, Editorial DYKINSON, 2021, pp. 808-822 (ISBN: 978-84-1377-744-3).
  • Sulle vette del Parnaso: la Sicilia dell'Arcadia nelle liriche di Girolama Lorefice Grimaldi e di altre 'pastorelle' isolane, in La Sicilia a firma femminile: uno sguardo diacronico e sincronico dal XV al XXI secolo, edited by D. Bombara & M. Martin Clavijo, «Rivista di Studi Italiani», XXXVIII, 2020, n. 1, pp. 88-112 (ISSN: 1916-5412, Toronto, Canada, printed version 1983-2004, online since 2005),
    • Cfr. P. Nigro, Review of D. Bombara, M. Martin Clavijo (Eds.), La Sicilia a firma femminile: uno sguardo diacronico e sincronico dal XV al XXI secolo, «Rivista di Studi italiani», XXXVIII, 1, aprile 2020, in «Misure critiche», new series, XIX, n. 1-2, 2020, pp. 335-338 (ISNN: 0392 - 6397).
  • Donna angelo e donna demone tra isteria e clausura: drammi ancestrali nelle autrici siciliane. Tra XIX e XXI secolo, gli scritti emblematici di Mariannina Coffa e Silvana Grasso, in Escritoras Italianas Inéditas en la Querella de las mujeres: traducciones en otros idiomasperspectivas y balances, vol. I, edited by S. Bartolotta & M. Tormo-Ortíz, Madrid, Editorial UNED, 2019, pp. 253-264 (ISBN: 978-84-362-7583-4).
  • La memoria: un tema letterario attraverso i secoli, «Il Chiasmo», magazine online by "Rete Italiana degli Allievi delle Scuole e degli Istituti di Studi Superiori Universitari" (RIASISSU), in collaboration with Treccani Institute, 16 luglio 2018.