PhD Student
PhD in Sciences for Cultural Heritage and Production - XXXVII cycle
Tutor: Barbara MANCUSO

Lorenzo Napodano has a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and German, with a degree in German literature under the supervision of Professor Maria Luisa Roli) and a Master's degree in Art History and Criticism (with a degree in Collecting under the supervision of Professor Giovanni Agosti and in collaboration with Professor Jacopo Stoppa) from the University of Milan. He then obtained a diploma from the School of Specialization in Historical-Artistic Heritage, also at the University of Milan, with a thesis on Collecting under the supervision of Professor Antonio Mazzotta. He has completed two cataloging and museum service internships at the Civic Museums of the Sforza Castle (Pinacoteca and Museum of Ancient Art) and a Civil Service program at Palazzo Marino (Municipality of Milan). He conducts guided tours and is involved in making museums more accessible for individuals with cognitive disabilities.

PhD Research Project

Between Exports and Protection. Collecting in late 19th century Sicily.

The research project focuses on studying the extent of art collections in late 19th century Sicily by analyzing export certificates issued between the 1880s and the early 1900s. Specifically, the research aims to: identify individuals involved in collecting, trading, shipping, and protecting art; explore the types of art that were exported (including paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, drawings, prints, and books) and quantify the data on exports; and discover the current location of the exported items.

Methodologically, the research will involve two phases: one focused on studying the dynamics of heritage protection to identify the system in place in Sicily after 1875 and the personalities involved, and the other centered on studying the export certificates. The expected results include creating a database of the collected material and presenting case studies of particular relevance.

Other activities during the PhD:
since a.a. 2021-2022: lecturer for the ICCD cataloging seminar at DISUM (with Dr. Angela Scialfa)
1.10.2022 – still: member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Italian PhD Students and Researchers - ADDRI Catania (APS)

Participations during the PhD program:

From May 30th to June 1st, 2022: Specialized training seminar "The Arts in the Pre-Unification States - the First Nineteenth Century", curated by Andrea Bacchi, Giovanna Capitelli, Claudio Sisi; Federico Zeri Foundation (Bologna and Faenza).

From July 10th to July 16th, 2022: Summer School "Federico da Montefeltro and the Arts. A Renaissance Workshop", curated by Anna Maria Ambrosini Massari and Andrea De Marchi; Federico Zeri Foundation (Urbino and Gubbio).

From September 20th to September 16th, 2022: Specialized training seminar "The Profession of Connoisseurship. Bernard Berenson, Herbert Horne, Roger Fry", curated by Elisa Camporeale and Andrea De Marchi; Federico Zeri Foundation (Bologna and Florence).

Member of the following societies:
ICOM – International Council of Museums

The Society for the history of collecting

TIAMSA – The International Art Market Studies Association

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information