Tutor: Pietro Maria MILITELLO
Amer Alsouliman is a geoarchaeologist. His research includes geoarchaeology, paleoenvironment, prehistory, Pre-Oases cultures of north Arabia, ancient near east water management landscape management and cultural landscapes, arid and hyperarid regions, archaeometry and Nomadic cultural heritage.
He is also Deputy Director of the East Jafr Archaeohydrological Project in Jordan, Deputy Director of the Rajajael Project in Saudi Arabia, team member of the Azraq Marshes Archaeological and Paleoecological Project NE Jordan, and Deputy Director of the Samh Project, operated by the Badia Research Center and Free Berlin University. The output of the latter project includes how prehistoric land use can advise a sustainable development of the modern badia in Jordan. He is also researching reverse engineering of plaster and mortar from ancient open water cistern (classical archaeological pool), for restoration and re-habitation directed by Royal Scientific Society.
2022, The effects of Mid-Holocene climate change on the water management systems and strategies in the northwest Arabia. Amer Alsouliman, Hans Gebel,Zhafer Al Amri, Ahamad Abu Alhasan, Kai Wellbrock. Adomatu special issue Water through Ages in the Arab World in the Light of Archaeological Excavations
2022, Radiometric Dating of Wadi Zarqa Ma’in 1, a Limestone Sinkhole Natural Faunal Trap near the Dead Sea, Using Data from Test Pitting and a Portable Coring System, James Pokines, Jeremy A. Beller, Amer al-Souliman, Osama Samawi, Christopher J. H. Ames, Carlos E. Cordova, April Nowell, Near Eastern Archaeology.
2021, Middle to Late Quaternary palaeolandscapes of the central Azraq Basin, Jordan: Deciphering discontinuous records of human-environment dynamics at the arid margin of the Levant. Christopher J.H. Ames, Carlos E. Cordova, Kelsey Boyd, Christoph Schmidt, Detlev Degering, Johannes Kalbe, Brian G. Jones, Anthony Dosseto, James T. Pokines, Amer S. Alsouliman, Jeremy Beller, April Nowel. Quaternary International Journal
2018, Climate forcing and shifts in water management on the Northwest Arabian Peninsula (mid-Holocene Rasif wetlands, Saudi Arabia) Christoph Zielhofer, Kai Wellbrock,, Manuelvon Grafenstein, Birgit Schneider, Kathryn Fitzsimmons, Andreas Stele, Tobias Lauer, Hansvon Suchodo letz, Matthias Grottker, Hans Georg K.Gebel.
2016, Hans Georg K. Gebel, Marion Benz, Christoph Purschwitz, Barbora Kubíková, Denis Štefanisko, Amer S. al-Souliman, Katie Tucker, Julia Gresky, and Bellal Abuhelaleh Household and Death: Preliminary Results of the 11th Season (2016) at Late PPNB Ba„ja, Southern Jordan.
2016, Middle Pleistocene subsistence in the Azraq Oasis,Jordan: protein residue and other proxies April Nowell, Daniel Stueber, Christopher J. H. Ames, Carlos E. Cordova, James T. Pokines, Regina DeWitt, and Amer Salah Abdo al-Souliman. Jornal of Archaeological science 73 (36 – 44).
2016, Hans George K.Gebel , Abdelhadi aLTrrad , Hussein al Khalifa , Zafer H. Al amri, Ahmad Abu Hassan , Hamzah Mahasneh , Amer Abdo Alsouliman , Kai Wellbrock ,Matthias Grottker ,Christoph Zeilhofer , The socio hydraulic foundation of oasis life in NW Arabia . The 5th Millennium BC Shepherd Environs of Rajajil , Rasif and Qulban Beni Murra, In book: The Archaeology of North Arabia - Oases and Landscapes - Proceddings of the International Congress held at the Univeristiy of Vienna, 5–8 December, 2013 (pp.79-113)Edition: Oriental and European Archaeology Volume 4 Publisher: Autrian Academy of Sciences Press Editors: Marta Luciani.
2016, Hydroarchaeology Applied in Prehistoric Research. 5th Millennium BCE/ Pre-Oasis Water-Management in Jordan's Southeastern badia. Amer Salah Alsouliman, ICHAJ 2016 Amman.
2015, Geoarchaeology of complex stratigraphic contexts in the Paleolithic of Azraq-Shishan, Jordan: a preliminary reconstruction of paleolandscapes, Carlos E. Cordova, April Nowell, Christopher J. H. Ames, James Pokines, Regina Dewitt, Amer al-Souliman, Conference: XIX INQUA Congress At: Nagoya, Japan.
2015, Hans George K.gebel, Kai Wellbrock ,Amer Salah alSouliman The beginning of oasis life in NW ,A model based on the qulban beni Murra and Rajajil case study region , and the disciplinary need of archaeohydrology in Arabia,Edited by Walid Yasin Tikriti , alAin .
2013, Ayoup M.Ghrair , A.J. Said , N. AL.Dawood , R . Miqdadi , A.L Ahamad , Amer alSouliman , Characterization and Reverse Engineering of Historical original mortar of Qasr Tuba , Jordan desert castles . conference paper, 11th sesame users .
2012, Tristan Michiels , Amer Salah al Souliman ,, Hans George K. Gebel , Stage 3 Manufacturing Traces of Ba'ia LPPNB sandstone rings , Neo Lithics 2/12
2023, Archaeohydrological investigations in the oasis of Tayma, Saudi-Arabia, during seasons 2013 to 2015 Kai Wellbrock,, Friedrich Weigel, Martin Strauss. Amer al-Souliman, Christoph Külls, and Matthias Grottker.
2022, The 15th international conference on the history and archaeology of Jordan “ICHAJ” Irbid Jordan.
2022, The Scientific Conference “The Camel Carving Site & its Cultural Importance from a World Perspective, Sakaka ,Saudi Arabia.
Member in international and national Archaeological and geographical associations:
- international union for quaternary research
- ex oriente e.V. at Freie Universität Berlin
- American school for oriental research
- International water resources association