Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ALBERTO GIOVANNI BIUSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Understanding the history and structure of scientific methodologies and knowledge, in order to practice a critical comparison that enriches both the sciences and philosophy.

The student will achieve:

1) Knowledge and understanding of the statute of scientific methodologies

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding to the theoretical and practical relationship with scientific knowledge

3) Autonomy of judgment with respect to any form of dogmatism

4) Communication skills in dealing with issues related to scientific knowledge

5) Learning skills in a variety of fields.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, which will focus on reading and analyzing texts.

Required Prerequisites

Adequate knowledge of the main itineraries of European philosophy from the Greek world to the twentieth century.

Detailed Course Content

The course will introduce the question of the method as the foundation of the meaning and status of the sciences. Ample space will be given to Paul Feyerabend's "methodological anarchism" and to the problem of realism in contemporary physics and philosophy.

Textbook Information

-Alberto Giovanni Biuso, Epistemologia e filosofia della scienzain Vita pensata, n. 25, July 2021 (pp. 94-96)

-John Losee, A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Il Saggiatore 2016 (pp. 410)

-Paul Feyerabend, Against Method. Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge, Feltrinelli 2021 (pp. 263)

-Alberto Giovanni Biuso, Sul realismo, in L’invenzione della realtà. Scienza, mito e immaginario nel dialogo tra psiche e mondo oggettivo, ETS 2022 (pp. 125-135).

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to the disciplineAlberto Giovanni Biuso, Epistemologia e filosofia della scienza
2History of epistemologyJohn Losee, A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
3Methodological anarchismPaul Feyerabend, Against Method. Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge
4A hypothesis about realityAlberto Giovanni Biuso, Sul realismo