Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SIMONA INSERRA

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1. knowledge and understanding of the most important questions related to the Digital Library.

2. ability to apply knowledge and understanding to search a library database or catalogue, to design basic digital library models, to manage copyright and privacy issues, to recognize the basic principles for managing digital collections and their conservation , to identify the correct positioning of the different types of libraries on the web.interdisciplinary) contexts connected to one's field of study;

3. ability to integrate knowledge and to formulate judgments on the basis of information that is not necessarily complete;

4. ability to communicate one's knowledge clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

5. ability to carry out research autonomously.

Course Structure

Traditional lectures and lectures in libraries.

Attendance of Lessons

Compulsory attendance.

Detailed Course Content

-          The mission of the library

-          Manifesto AIB on digital library

-          Digital libraries and metadata

-          MAB Technical documentation

-          Copyright and Creative Commons

-          Conservation of digital collections and digitization

-          Libraries and web in digital era

-          The digital librarian

-          A case study: MEMO - Memory of Montecassino (<>)

Textbook Information


Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, Manifesto per le biblioteche digitali (// (2 pp.)

-          P. G. Weston, L. Sardo, Metadati, Roma, AIB, 2017 (pp. 123)

-          F. Tomasi, Organizzare la conoscenza: Digital Humanities e Web semantico. Un percorso tra archivi, biblioteche e musei, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2022 (184 pp.)

-          M. Guercio, La conservazione delle memorie digitali, in Biblioteche e biblioteconomia: principi e questioni, a cura di Giovanni Solimine e Paul G. Weston, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (pp. 545-566)

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For further information on sanctions and regulations concerning photocopying please refer to the regulations on copyright (Linee Guida sulla Gestione dei Diritti d’Autore) provided by AIDRO - Associazione Italiana per i Diritti di Riproduzione delle opere dell’ingegno (the Italian Association on Copyright).

All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.