Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Miryam GRASSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Students at the end of the course should achieve the following objectives:

1) Knowledge and understanding: know the general characteristics of markup languages and in particular XML/TEI encoding; know the main tools for computational text analysis.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding: ability to identify lexically and semantically relevant elements in texts for digital text processing using quantitative analysis software; ability to encode texts in XML/TEI, choosing the most appropriate tags for encoding needs.

3) Making judgments: be able to interpret and critically analyze texts based on the data collected; be able to make critical evaluations of sources and make informed editorial decisions to present an authoritative and accurate edition of the text.

4) Communication skills: be able to communicate research findings and methodological choices made, highlighting crucial aspects, using appropriate terminology and different textual genres, both written and oral.

5) Learning skills: enhance the ability to study independently.

Course Structure

Lectures; exercises and laboratory activities.

Attendance of Lessons

Compulsory attendance.

Detailed Course Content

B. Computational Text Analysis (2 ECTS)

Definition and purposes of computational linguistics. Historical background. The annotation of texts. Computational text analysis tools, with classroom exercises, applied to narrative texts (short stories, travel reports, video games and TV series scripts).


C. Digital philology and encoding in XML-TEI (3 ECTS).

Definition and purposes of Digital Philology. Digital scholarly publishing. Digital textuality and markup languages. XML-TEI encoding. Realization of a digital edition.

Textbook Information

B. Texts:

- E. Ježek, Sprugnoli, Linguistica computazionale. Introduzione all’analisi automatica dei testi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2023, chapters 1, 6 and 8, pp. 17-35, pp. 133-164 e pp. 193-210.

- F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma, Carocci, 2008, chapter 7, pp. 191-212.

- G. Gigliozzi, Il testo e il computer. Manuale di informatica per gli studi letterari, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1997, chapter 4, pp. 179-256.

- F. Ciotti, What’s in a topic model? Critica teorica di un metodo computazionale per l’analisi del testo, «Testo e senso», 18, 2017, pp. 2-11.

- F. Stella, Testi letterari e analisi digitale, Roma, Carocci, 2018, chapters 4 and 5, pp. 55-100.

- E. Kim, R. Klinger, A Survey on Sentiment and Emotion Analysis for Computational Literary Studies, «arXiv», 6 settembre 2019, 38 pp.


C. Texts:

- T. Mancinelli, E. Pierazzo, Che cos’è un’edizione scientifica digitale, Roma, Carocci, 2020, 128 pp.

- P. Italia, Editing duemila, Roma, Salerno, 2020, chapter 4, pp. 171-235.

- Teoria e forme del testo digitale, a cura di M. Zaccarello, Roma, Carocci, 2019, chapters 8 and 9, pp. 135-196.

- Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma, Carocci, 2008, chapter 4, pp. 103-142.

- P. Sahle, What is a Scholarly Digital Edition?, in M. J. Driscoll, E. Pierazzo, Digital Scholarly Editing. Theories and Practices, Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2016, pp. 19-39.

- F. Ciotti et alii, Manifesto per le edizioni scientifiche digitali, «Umanistica Digitale», 6/12, 2022, pp. 103-108.

- C. Bonsi, A. Di Iorio, P. Italia, F. Vitali,  Manzoni's electronic interpretations, in The Mechanic Reader. Digital methods for literary criticism, in «Semicerchio», LIII/2, 2015, pp. 91-99.

- R. Rosselli del Turco, Designing an advanced software tool for Digital Scholarly Editions: The inception and development of EVT (Edition Visualization Technology), «Textual Cultures», 2, 2019, pp. 91-112.

- R. Rosselli Del Turco, C. Di Pietro, C. Martignano, Progettazione e implementazione di nuove funzionalità per EVT2: lo stato attuale dello sviluppo, «Umanistica Digitale», 7, 2019 (17 pp).

- TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Version 4.3.0, Tei Consortium, 2021 ( a selection of pages necessary for the exercises and the final test (about 100 pages).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.