Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE PALAZZOLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Students at the end of the course should achieve the following objectives:

1) Knowledge and understanding: know the general characteristics of markup languages and in particular XML/TEI encoding; know the main tools for computational text analysis.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding: ability to identify lexically and semantically relevant elements in texts for digital text processing using quantitative analysis software; ability to encode texts in XML/TEI, choosing the most appropriate tags for encoding needs.

3) Making judgments: be able to interpret and critically analyze texts based on the data collected; be able to make critical evaluations of sources and make informed editorial decisions to present an authoritative and accurate edition of the text.

4) Communication skills: be able to communicate research findings and methodological choices made, highlighting crucial aspects, using appropriate terminology and different textual genres, both written and oral.

5) Learning skills: enhance the ability to study independently.

Course Structure

Lectures; exercises and laboratory activities.

Attendance of Lessons

Compulsory attendance.

Detailed Course Content

A. Introduction (1 ECTS).

Text reading and encoding; Digital Hermeneutics and literary studies; Distant and close reading and data visualization.

Textbook Information

A. Texts :

Teoria e forme del testo digitale, ed. by M. Zaccarello, Roma, Carocci, 2019, capp. 1-3 e 6, pp. 33-70 e 95-114.

- F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma, Carocci, 2008, chapter 5, pp. 143-167.

- G. Savoca, Lessicografia letteraria e metodo concordanziale, Firenze, Olschki, 2000, pp. 39-52.

- A. Sichera, La lecture concordantielle. Fenomenologia ed ermeneutica, in Ermeneutiche. Punti di vista sul confine, Euno edizioni, 2017/2019, pp. 89-103.

- F. Moretti, Conjectures on World Literature, «New Left Review», 84, Nov/Dec 2013, 15 pp.

- F. Ciotti, Distant reading in literary studies: a methodology in quest of theory, «Testo e senso», 23, 2021, pp. 195-213.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.