Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ROSALBA PANVINI

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:
1)  Knowledge and understanding skills such as to reinforce those achieved in the first cycle; ability to elaborate and / or apply original ideas, in a research context.
2)  Ability to apply knowledge and understanding and ability to solve problems to new or unfamiliar issues, inserted in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts connected to one's field of study;
3)   Ability to integrate knowledge and to formulate judgments on the basis of information that is not necessarily complete;
4)    Ability to communicate one's knowledge clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
5)  Ability to carry out research autonomously.

Course Structure

Lectures will be held in presence, subject to provisions made in the case of health issues.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of archaeological research methodology and European and Near Eastern prehistory

Attendance of Lessons

Lectures or equivalent activities: 36

Possible tutorials or equivalent assisted activities: 

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into two modules. In the first, it will provide the essentials in order to identify the ways and times of the relations between the Aegean and Sicily from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age; in the second module, it will deal with the ways and times in which relations between the two geographical areas were intensified from the Middle Bronze Age until the colonisation of Sicily. 

Textbook Information

A)   Il quadro generale

1)    V. La Rosa, Influenze di tipo egeo e paleogreco in Sicilia, in Kokalos 39-40, 1993-1994, I, pp. 9-47.


2)    S. Tusa (a cura di), Prima Sicilia. Alle origini della società siciliana, Palermo 1997. Artiticoli di S. Tusa, Origini della società agro-pastorale, pp. 173-192 (10 pagine); F. Nicoletti, Il commercio preistorico dell’ossidiana, pp. 259-270 (11 pagine); B. Mc Connel, Lo sviluppo delle società agro pastorali: l’Eneolitico, pp. 281-294 (13 pagine); M.Marazzi, i contatti transmarini nella società siciliana, pp. 365-374 (10 pagine); L. Bernabò Brea, La cultura  eoliana di Capo Graziano, pp. 415-420 (pagine 5); R. Panvini, Dessueri, pp. 493-502  (pagine 10). Totale pagine 50.


3)    C. Broodbank, Il Mediterraneo dalla preistoria al mondo classico, Torino 2013, cap. VI, pp 50.


B)   Sicilia ed Egeo tra II e I millennio (3 CFU)

1)  M. Marazzi, Connessioni transmarine: Vivara e Pantelleria, dinamiche e cronologie dei più antichi contatti con le aree egee e levantine, in Scienza dell’Antichità 22, 2016, pp. 131-147.

2)  L. Vagnetti, Westwrn Mediterranean, in E. Cline, The Oxford Handbook of the Aegean Bronze Age, Oxford 2010, pp. 890-906.

3) Panvini R, Blancato M., Militello P., Palermo D., Pantalica e la Sicilia nelle età di Pantalica, Padova 2018, pp. 229-307.

4)  Frasca M., Palermo D., Civiltà egee alla scoperta dell’occidente, Ragusa 2019, pp. 91-162.

5)     R. Panvini (a cura di), Migrazioni e commerci. Modelli del Passato come paradigma del presente (Atti del Convegno, Siracusa, Castello Maniace, 21-22 Ottobre 2017), Siracusa 2017, pp. 17-29; 49-65; 97-117.

During the lectures there will be provided a copy of some contributions of the conference proceedings " La Sicilia Preistorica. Dinamiche interne e relazioni esterne" (edited by P. Militello, F. Nicoletti, R. Panvini), currently being printed.

Please remember that in compliance with art 171 L22.04.1941, n. 633 and its amendments, it is illegal to copy entire books or journals, only 15% of their content can be copied.

For further information on sanctions and regulations concerning photocopying please refer to the regulations on copyright (Linee Guida sulla Gestione dei Diritti d’Autore) provided by AIDRO - Associazione Italiana per i Diritti di Riproduzione delle opere dell’ingegno (the Italian Association on Copyright).

All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The assessment of the examination will take into account the candidate's mastery of the content and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical propriety, as well as his or her ability to argue.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Relations between the Aegean and Sicily during the Middle Bronze Age; architectural models and local imitations; trade relations between the Aegean, Sicily and the Aeolian Islands during the Early Bronze Age.