Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ANDREA MANGANARO

Expected Learning Outcomes


-in-depth knowledge of historical and methodological issues related to literary criticism and historiography, and in particular for the authors, works, and issues covered in the lectures;

 -the understanding of the historicity of interpretations, different critical perspectives and methodological orientations, their dialogue and conflict;

- the ability to comment on and interpret the critical texts and issues proposed, with theoretical, methodological, historiographical awareness, combining knowledge with a conscious autonomy of judgment, historically and methodologically grounded.

The student should be able to express knowledge and skills acquired through communicative skills (written and oral), constantly solicited during the course  (including through in itinere tests). They will be marked by clarity, expressive effectiveness, argumentative rigor, and appropriate use of specific language.

Course Structure

Lectures. Reading and discussion of classroom texts

Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of the fundamentals of the development of Italian literature from the origins to the 20th century through direct reading of texts from the Italian literary tradition; reading of Giovanni Verga's masterpieces; good writing skills; good critical sense and good interpretation skills

Attendance of Lessons

Optional - Strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content

A)     History of Italian literary criticism and historiography of the nineteenth-nineteenth century. (2 ECTS)

B) Realist Vision. European realism and Giovanni Verga. (4  ECTS)

Textbook Information

A)     History of Italian literary criticism and historiography of the nineteenth-nineteenth century (2 ECTS)


1.       G. Tellini, Metodi e protagonisti della critica letteraria. Con antologia di testi, Milano, Mondadori Education  20192,  from  chapters:  1 (De Sanctis): pp. 1-13 ;  2 (Scuola storica):  intr. and Rajna, pp. 14-19, 23-24); 3 (Croce): pp. 33-47; 4 (Storicismo marxista, ecc.): intr.  and 10 texts;  5 (Formalismo e critica stilistica): intr. and 8  texts ;  6 (Critica psicanalitica e tematica): intr. and 4 texts;  7 (Strutturalismo e semiologia): intr. and texts  of Corti end  Eco;  8 (I diritti del lettore): intr. and texts of Starobinski, Bachtin, Raimondi, Jauss ;  9 (Filologia e critica) : intr. and texts of Pasquali, Auerbach, Dionisotti, Branca; 12 (Critica degli scrittori): texts of Ginzburg, P. Levi, Pasolini, Calvino; 13: texts of  Ridolfi, Ginzburg, Timpanaro, De Roberto; 14 (Scrittori allo specchio): texts of Verga, Pasolini, Gadda, Levi, Calvino; Lettura pluriprospettica di una novella di Boccaccio (pp. 381-390).

2.       F. Muzzioli, Le teorie della critica letteraria, Roma, Carocci, 2019: Alle radici della critica; I nostri antenati (pp. 19-44); chap. 3 (L’analisi del linguaggio), pp. 87-114; chap. 4 (La critica dell’ideologia), pp. 121-151.

3.      F. De Sanctis, La scienza e la vita, in L’arte, la scienza e la vita, edited by M.T. Lanza, Torino, Einaudi, 1972 (Opere, XIV), pp. 316-340.

4.  A. Manganaro,  «La più bella storia letteraria che sia stata mai scritta»: la Storia di Francesco De Sanctis, in «Le forme e la storia» n. s. XIV, 2021, 2,  pp. 91-107; Id.,  Da De Sanctis a Croce: modernità e tradizione nella letteratura italiana, in «Le forme e la storia», n. s. V, 2012, 1, pp. 139-153; Id., L. Russo: l’unità di scienza e vita, in «Italianistica Debreceniensis», XXV, 2020, pp. 10-19; Id., Benedetto Croce narratore di storie e leggende napoletane, in Percorsi / contatti / migrazioni / dualismi. Nord/Sud e Mediterraneo nella lingua, nella letteratura e nella cultura italiana, edited by P.  Orrù, Firenze, Cesati, 2021, pp. 69-79.


B)     Realist Vision. European realism and Giovanni Verga (4 ECTS)



1.       P. Brooks, Lo sguardo realista, Roma, Carocci, 2017, pp. 9-166; 187-206.

2.       E. Auerbach, Mimesis. Il realismo nella letteratura occidentale, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, II, pp. 220-304.

3.       G. Lukács, Narrare o descrivere, in Il marxismo e la critica letteraria, Torino, Einaudi, 1964, pp. 269-304; Idem, Saggi sul realismo, Torino, Einaudi, 1976, pp. 14-25, 59-66, 115-129, 188-207.

4.       R. Luperini.  Lukács, Benjamin e il problema del naturalismo, in   «Allegoria», V, 1993, 13, pp. 71-80.

5.      A. Manganaro, La ferinità umana, la guerra, lo spatriare. Riletture verghiane, Catania-Leonforte, Fondazione Verga-Euno Edizioni, 2021 (“Biblioteca della Fondazione Verga- Serie Studi”, n.s. 4), pp. 9-164.

6.       A. Manganaro, Romanzi verghiani e intersezioni europee, in Partenze senza ritorno. Interpretare Verga, Catania, Edizioni del Prisma, 2014, pp. 139-147.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Module A: History of Italian literary criticism and historiography of the nineteenth-nineteenth century A: 1, 2
2Module AA: 1, 2
3Module AA: 1, 2
4Module AA: 1, 2
5Module AA: 3, 4
6Module AA: 3, 4
7Module B: Realist Vision. European realism and Giovanni Verga. Erich Auerbach: Mimesis B: 2
8Module B: Erich Auerbach, MimesisB: 2
9Module B: György LukácsB: 3
10Module B: György Lukács, Walter Benjamin and the problem of NaturalismB: 3, 4
11Module B: Peter Brooks, Realist visionB: 1
12Module B: Peter Brooks, Realist visionB: 1
13Module B: Peter Brooks, Realist visionB: 1
14Module B: Peter Brooks, Realist visionB: 1
15Module B: Verga's RealismB: 5, 6
16Module B: Verga's RealismB: 5, 6
17Module B: Verga's RealismB: 5, 6
18Module B: Verga's RealismB: 5, 6

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1. The historical school 

2. Historicism. 

3. Philology and criticism

 4. Idealistic criticism: Croce, Russo

 5. De Sanctis

 6. Formalism, structuralism, stylistic criticism, variantism

 7. Marxist criticism