Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: DAVIDE BENNATO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1. knowledge and understanding

The knowledge of the theoretical processes underlying the phenomena of communication, the sociological characteristics of the mass media, knowledge of modern approaches to the sociology of cultural processes, multidisciplinary analysis of the technological imaginary

2. applying knowledge and understanding

The understandings of the social characteristics of how traditional and digital media works

3. learning skills

The competence in collecting information from the internet and critical evaluation of them.

Required Prerequisites

The Knowledge of the main historical, political and cultural phenomena of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, familiarity with the use of mass media and social media

Attendance of Lessons

frequency is not mandatory

Detailed Course Content

Mass communication theories, technological and sociological characteristics of digital media, main authors and concepts of the Sociology of cultural and communication processes.

Textbook Information

Module A - Communication theories from mass media to social media (5 Credits)


- S. Bentivegna, G. Boccia Artieri, Le teorie delle comunicazioni di massa e la sfida digitale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019 (263 pp.)

- D. Bennato, Sociologia dei media digitali, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011 (192 pp.)


Module B - The social processes underlying the contemporary culture (4 Credits)

- S. Piccone Stella, L. Salmieri, Il gioco della cultura, Roma, Carocci, 2012, (370 pp.)

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination with participation in research projects

Participation in research projects serves as an in-progress test and consists of individual or collective work to study specific aspects of one or more topics illustrated during the course. Assessment will be made on the basis of the following elements: performance of assigned tasks, linguistic and terminological appropriateness, theoretical relevance, expository ability, bibliographical depth

Mastery of the content and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical property, and the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate will be taken into account in the assessment of the examination.