Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MARIA CANDIDA MUNOZ MEDRANO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The main aim is to give students the linguistic notions about Spanish morphology and syntax, to develop the linguistic and communicative competences established by the level B1 of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. That is, to be able to master a sufficient set of skills sufficient for an initial communication level in Spanish-speaking countries.

Attending results:

  1. Knowledge and understanding: students will be able to master Spanish tests, to describe them and make a comment.
  2. Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to analyze and translate Spanish texts.
  3. Making judgements: students will be able to formulate personal opinions about personal topics.
  4. Communication skills: students will be able to converse in different communicative situations.
  5. Learning skills: students will be able to study autonomously.

Course Structure

The course consists in 54 hours of frontal lessons, oral and written practices.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into 3 modules:

  1. The first module serves to introduce the elements of phonetics and phonology of the Spanish language and the fundamental grammatical structures, adopting a contrastive perspective with Italian.
  2. The second module is based on the analysis of lexicological, morphological and syntactic aspects of the Spanish language, through the linguistic analysis of texts of various kinds (newspaper articles, literary extracts) and the vision of short films in Spanish.
  3. The third module deals with issues related to the culture of Spanish-speaking countries and to translation. Language exercises will be proposed to improve the translation skills between the two languages, especially in the Spanish-Italian direction.

Textbook Information

Module A Phonetics (3 ECTS)


- Fonética (nivel medio), Madrid, Anaya, 2008, pp. 200.

- Escritura (nivel medio), Madrid, Anaya, 2008, pp. 128.


 Modulo B. Lessico, morfologia e sintassi (3 ECTS)


- M. Lozano Zahonero, Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Hoepli, 2010, pp. 320.

- E. Bayón, C. Cabeza et alii, Frecuencias Directo A1-B1 (libro del estudiante + libro de ejercicios), Madrid, Edinumen, pp. 304.

- M. A. Cuenca, R. P. Prieto, Embarque 3 (libro del estudiante + libro de ejercicios), Madrid, Edelsa, pp. 199.


Module C Culture, civilization and translation (3 ECTS)

The material will be given by the teacher in Studium (pp.30).


C. Piñeiro, Elena sabe, Alfaguara, pp. 208.



R. Arqués, A. Padoan, Il grande dizionario di Spagnolo, Torino, Zanichelli, 2020.

Diccionario General de Lengua española, Madrid, Vox, 2009.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.