Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: SIMONA AGNESE SCATTINA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course enables the student to master the subject (knowledge) in order to use and apply it in other fields of study with the correct use of the specific technical language (skills).

In application of the Dublin descriptors, the course:

1. provides the student with knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of the history of Italian and European theatre, in its various components (stage space, scenography, dramaturgy and acting), from its origins to the second half of the 20th century;

2. develops the autonomous ability to relate what has been learnt to other historical and cultural disciplines;

3. enables him/her to use the knowledge acquired and the specific language learnt for the so-called 'transversal competences' (autonomy of judgement, communication skills) and to develop them both in the analysis of the material covered in the lessons and in the reading and interpretation of new texts.

Course Structure

The first lessons (about 20 hours) will be dedicated to explain and analyze modules A and B. The remaining ones will be necessary for the in-depth module on Samuel Beckett and for the in itinere tests.

To allow students to acquire the methodological instruments necessary to analyze the languages of theatre will be projected and discussed, during the lessons, films and videos related to some plays that have marked the history of theater.

Students will also be invited to watch performance in city theaters.

The course schedules meetings with artists, professors and operators of the sector.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

1.        Features of theatre history
This module describes the birth and the development of theatre from its origins to nowadays.

2.        Vocabulary of theatrical terminology

This path serves to clarify theories and issues closely related to dramaturgy, and even touches on central contemporary themes such as the relationship between theatre and media and technology.

3.        «We are all born mad, some remain so»: Samuel Beckett and the truths of Godot

            This course explores one of the most representative texts of Samuel Beckett's dramaturgy,                Waiting for Godot, which deals with the theme of waiting and the absurdity of existence in               a unique way.

Textbook Information

Module A -  Features of theatre history (3 ECTS


M. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente, Milano, Pearson, 2020 (334 pp.).


Module B Vocabulary of theatrical terminology (1 ECTS


P. Pavis, Dizionario del teatro, a cura di P. Bosisio, Imola (BO), CUE Press, 2022 (520 pp.; the vocabulary to be studied will be indicated in the course of the lectures).


Module C. «We are all born mad, some remain so»: Samuel Beckett and the truths of Godot (2 ECTS)


-   S. Beckett, Aspettando Godot, trad. it. C. Fruttero, Torino, Einaudi, 1997, pp. 115.

Critical apparatus:

-   S. Beckett, Quaderni di regia e testi riveduti – Aspettando Godot, a cura di J. Knowlson, D. MacMillan, L. Scarlini, Imola (BO), CUE Press, 2021, pp. 450 (the two introductory notes and the preface will be examined).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Birth of theatre and historical-chronological evolution of genres and formsM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
2Main theories and poetics of theatreM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
3Authors, works and theatre buildingsM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
4Models and forms of acting over the centuriesM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
5The birth of directorshipM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
6The theatre of the second half of the 20th centuryM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
7The New Theatre in ItalyM. Cambiaghi, A. Egidio, I. Innamorati, A. Sapienza, Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente
8Voices of theatrical terminologyP. Pavis, Dizionario del teatro
9Languages of the sceneP. Pavis, Dizionario del teatro
10Samuel Beckett and the Truths of GodotS. Beckett, Aspettando Godot,
11Samuel Beckett and the Director's NotebooksS. Beckett, Quaderni di regia e testi riveduti – Aspettando Godot,

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Two in itinere tests are scheduled on topics from module A (Lineamenti di Storia del Teatro) and module B (Vocabolario della terminologia teatrale). Passing the tests, which are optional and open to both attending and not attending students, will entitle the student not to take the respective topics in the oral examination.

Oral examination. For the assessment of the examination, account will be taken of the achievement of an organic vision of the topics addressed in the lessons, the possession of an expressive and lexical mastery and the ability to orient oneself within the bibliography proposed.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

When was Commedia dell'arte born and what are its characteristics? When and thanks to whom was directing born? The structure of Elizabethan theatre. Early Renaissance theatre. Who are Machiavelli and Ariosto? What is the function of masks in Greek and contemporary theatre? What is the Goldonian reform? What are the theatrical genres? What are the characteristics of bourgeois drama? Aristotle's Poetics. The 17th century compared: Italy, France, Spain and England. Time and space in the Middle Ages. Theories on the actor. The historical avant-gardes.