Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SIMONA AGNESE SCATTINA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course enables the student to master the subject (knowledge) in order to use and apply it in other fields of study with the correct use of the specific technical language (skills).

Specific objectives: in application of the Dublin descriptors, the course

- provides the student with knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of the history of Italian and European theatre, in its various components (stage space, scenography, dramaturgy and acting), from its origins to the second half of the 20th century;

- develops the autonomous ability to relate what has been learnt to other historical and cultural disciplines;

- enables him/her to use the knowledge acquired and the specific language learnt for the so-called 'transversal competences' (autonomy of judgement, communication skills) and to develop them both in the analysis of the material covered in the lessons and in the reading and interpretation of new texts.

Course Structure

The first lessons (about 20 hours) will be dedicated to explain and analyze modules A and B. The remaining ones will be necessary for the in-depth module on political theatre and the case study we will examine, and for the on-going test.

To allow students to acquire the methodological instruments necessary to analyze the languages of theatre will be projected and discussed, during the lessons, films and videos related to some plays that have marked the history of theater.

Students will also be invited to watch performance in city theaters.

The course schedules meetings with artists, professors and operators of the sector.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

1.     Features of theatre history

This module describes the birth and the development of theatre from its origins to nowadays.

2.     Reading theatrical texts 

This course serves to clarify theories and issues closely related to writing for the stage.

3.     For a political theatre

Once upon a time there was 'political theatre'. Today there is a need to recall and rename the two terms of this expression: theatre and politics, with a wealth of interventions that relaunch the question under the Pasolinian sign of 'passion and ideology', in order to trace the signs of new passions and new thoughts capable of dialoguing with the times. 

Textbook Information

Features of theatre history (3 ECTS)


- E. Wilson, A. Goldfarb, trad.it. S. Pietrini, Storia del teatro, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2010 (pp. 435. The parts being studied, totaling 300 pages, will be indicated in class and by studium).


Reading theatrical texts (1 ECTS)


-   L. Allegri, Scritture per la scena, Bari, Laterza, 2021 (p. 145).


C. For a political theatre (2 ECTS)


-   S. Casi, E. Gioia (a cura di), Passione e ideologia. Il teatro (è) politico, Spoleto, Editoria&Spettacolo, 2012 (pp.300. Only the first thematic chapters will be covered for a total of 150 pages, which will be indicated in class and via studium).

-   O. Ponte Di Pino, Per un teatro politico? in http://www.trax.it/olivieropdp/politico.htm

Critical apparatus:

-   - L. Nova, 10 Kg, translated into Italian by P. Toscano, conceived and directed by A. Amirante (the performance, which will make its debut in Catania in the autumn, will involve male and female students in a series of preparatory meetings for the performance. The relative materials will be provided in lecture in handout format of about 40 pages).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.