Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ALESSIO RUTA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1. To provide a historical-normative overview of the phonetic, morphological and syntactic characteristics of the Latin language;

2. to provide the methodological skills for a comparative analysis between the Latin language and the Indo-European languages;

3. to provide the fundamental tools for approaching the exegetical-linguistic interpretation of literary texts in Latin;

4. to provide basic knowledge of the principles of prosodic-metrical analysis of Latin poetic texts.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

Study of the normative grammar of the Latin language, with elements of historical grammar applied to poetical and prose texts; reading, translation, and philological commentary of texts in the original language with prosodic-metrical analysis of the poetic language.

Textbook Information

A) Basics (3 ECTS)

Knowledge of the essentials of Latin morphology and syntax is assumed.


One of the following texts is recommended for prosodic-metric analysis:

•  M. Fucecchi – L. Graverini, La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, Firenze 2016.

•  A. Traina, Propedeutica al latino universitario (VI ed. riveduta e aggiornata a cura di Cl. Marangoni), Bologna 1998, pp. 17-50; 117-139.

•  F. Berardi, Le vie del latino. Storia della lingua latina con elementi di grammatica storica, Galatina 2020, pp. 133-172.



Reading of classical texts:

•  Virgil, Aen. VIII 79-279. Suggested edition: M. Geymonat, Roma 2008, pp. 462-474.

•  Seneca, dial. XII 6-10. Suggested edition: L.D. Reynolds, Oxonii 1977, 295-303.


B) In-depth studies (2 ECTS)

Linguistic and stylistic levels in Latin odeporic literature.

Reading of classical texts:

•  Catullus, c. 4. Suggested edition: D.F.S. Thomson, Toronto-Buffalo-London 1997, pp. 101-102.

•  Horace, sat. I 5. Suggested edition: F. Klingner, Lipsiae 19593, pp. 181-185.

•  Ovid, trist. I 10. Suggested edition: J. B. Hall, Stutgardiae et Lipsiae 1995, pp. 44-47.


Critical essays (1 ECTS):

Knowledge of one of the following essays is required:

•  J.B. Hofmann, Stilistica latina. A cura di Alfonso Traina. Traduzione di Camillo Neri. Aggiornamenti di Renato Oniga, Bologna 2002, pp. 91-121.

•  A. La Penna, Note sulla lingua e lo stile dell’Eneide, «Paideia» 57, 2002, pp. 192-215.

•  A. Lunelli, La lingua poetica latina. Saggi di W. Kroll, H.H. Janssen, M. Leumann, Bologna 1974, pp. 133-178.

•  C. Santini, Lingue e generi letterari dalle origini agli Antonini, in P. Poccetti – D. Poli – C. Santini (edd.), Una storia della lingua latina. Formazione, usi, comunicazione, Roma 1999, pp. 279-288; 311-313; 334-337.

•  A. Traina, Lo stile drammatico del filosofo Seneca, Bologna 1974, pp. 9-23.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.