Fabiana CERASA

PhD Student
PhD in Sciences for Cultural Heritage and Production - XXXVII cycle
Tutor: Daniele MALFITANA

Fabiana Cerasa got a master's degree in Classical Archeology at the University of Pisa with an experimental thesis entitled "Topographic aspects of Romanization in Sicily: from Taormina to Syracuse", supervisor Prof.ssa S. Menchelli, co-supervisor Dr P. Sangriso. She worked as manager during the archaeological excavation activities at Marsberg (Germany) being employed at the Salisbury Archӓologie Gmbh (Köln), Ref. Jόzsef Hoffmann. She collaborated with the Institute of Ancient Mediterranean Studies - CNR of Rome and the University of Pisa in the context of the Misis Höyük Excavation Project (MisHEP) and with the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the CNR of Catania, of which she was also a research scholarship, within the MIUR Proof of Concept Project "TeCHNIC - Integrated tools for the management of cultural heritage in urban contexts". Furthermore, she is associated with the ISPC-CNR with the task of collaborating in the macro-areas of research relating to the knowledge, understanding, management, valorisation and sustainable use of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. She has participated in numerous excavation campaigns in Italy and abroad and in both archaeological and geophysical reconnaissance; she has actively participated in conventions and conferences.


PhD project

Tools and strategies for enhancing the fruition of the urban archaeological heritage: the case study of via Crociferi (Catania)

The search project aims to providing a methodology for the creation of tools and strategies capable of enhancing the fruition of the urban archaeological heritage. This fact becomes more urgent in those urban contexts in which, for a variety of reasons, it is impossible to know and benefit from certain archaeological evidence. The case study of via Crociferi looks lie the ideal test site for the goals of this project; in fact, it is a multilayered context, with a thousand-year history, whose archaeological heritage is partly inaccessible and almost completely insufficiently valued. The main aim will be to identify strategies for enhancing and using this inaccessible part of the heritage. On the one hand, edited data will be collected and
unpublished data will be retrieved and analysed, which will allow a rereading and overall reinterpretation of the context; on the other hand, this data will be enhanced through modern technologies that will allow an easy and engaging fruition.

Other research activities

Fabiana Cerasa is an Associate with the role of Collaborator at the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the National Research Council (ISPC-CNR) in the research macro-areas relating to the knowledge and understanding of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and the management, enhancement and sustainable use of cultural heritage.
Specifically, as an associate of the ISPC-CNR, Fabiana Cerasa is engaged in the research activities listed below:
- CLOUD4CITY (POR Regione Sicilia): research activity about the provision of innovative proximity services based on the determination users location in an urban area;
- CONTEXT Material culture, archaeological contexts, and cultural landscapes of the Mediterranean: a project dedicated to research on Greek coroplastics, with particular regard to the production of the Greek colonies of Sicily, aimed at strengthening this sector of study both from the point of view of purely archaeological;
- AUGUSTUS – (POR Regione Sicilia): research aimed at developing a web and app gaming platform for the onsite and offsite use of the cultural heritage of Sicily;
- CATANIA between EGYPT and the MEDITERRANEAN - Material culture, society, economy (Project Municipality of Catania): research project aimed at researching historical-archaeological research, contextualization of the finds and museum display in order to enhance the link between Catania and Egypt in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Since 2021 she has also been involved in the project "Study, reconstruction and enhancement of the bronze quadriga of Herculaneum" (CIG Z7B2FCA667), born from the collaboration between the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN) and the Institute of Mediterranean Studies (ISMED) of the CNR of Naples.

Since 2022, as expert on the subject in the SSD L-ANT / 10 she has been delivering several seminars at UNICT and holds lectures in the bachelor degree in Cultural Heritage and master's degree in Archaeology.

Moreover, from the beginning of 2023, she is member of various research projects as SHERs -  – networkS in HellEnistic and Roman meDiterranean – Making and Managing HiStory with Material Culture (Bando PRIN PNRR 2022) (Prof. D. Malfitana); EXCERPTA. EXploring Contents of Early Roman Period Taken from Anthologies (Sicily, XV-XVI cent.) (Prof. O. Portuese).

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information