English Language: specialized language

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: RAFFAELE ZAGO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) Knowledge and understanding

Students will familiarise themselves with the notion of ‘specialised discourse’ in English from a theoretical, practical and methodological point of view.


2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Students will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding. In particular, they will learn how to linguistically and meta-linguistically analyse the varieties addressed in the course.


3) Making judgements

Drawing on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course, students will be able to interpret the typical characteristics of various specialised English registers and to reflect on these varieties autonomously.   


4) Communication skills

The linguistic competence students are expected to attain is a strengthening of the B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; C.E.F.R.; http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/source/framework_en.pdf).


5) Learning skills

Students will develop the learning skills they need to go on with their university career, both in terms of contents and in terms of methods.

Course Structure

The course will take place in the 1st semester. Classes (18) will have in essence a lecture format, but participation on the part of students is expected and will be actively encouraged. The calendar for classes will be communicated during classes, on the lecturer’s webpage and through the Studium learning platform. The lecturer will be available during office hours to answer questions about the course.

Changes to the programme might be necessary in case of online teaching.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course will introduce and illustrate the notion of ‘specialised discourse’ and its defining traits in English. The necessary theoretical framing of the topic will be followed by ample exemplification, with particular – but not exclusive – attention to the various spoken and written English registers used in the university context.  

Textbook Information

- Gotti, Maurizio. 2011. Investigating Specialised Discourse. Third edition. Bern: Peter Lang. Chapters: 1 (pp. 9-22), 2 (pp. 25-47), 3 (pp. 49-78), 4 (pp. 79-104), 5 (pp. 107-122), 6 (pp. 123-140), 7 (pp. 141-163), 8 (pp. 167-178), 9 (pp. 179-190), 10 (pp. 191-209).

- Biber, Douglas. 2006. University Language. A Corpus-based Study of Spoken and Written Registers. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Chapters: 3 (pp. 33-46), 4 (pp. 47-86), 5 (pp. 87-131), 6 (pp. 133-175).


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All the aforementioned books can be consulted in the Library.

Learning Assessment

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

-What is 'specialised discourse' in English? How would you define it?

-What are the main characteristics of specialised discourses in English (e.g. lexical, syntactic, textual, etc.)?

-What are the most salient characteristics of spoken/written university registers in English? 
