Archivio avvisi

Primo anno esame scritto 2 - giugno 2021

Nella pagina Disum della Dott, ssa Simpson troverete l''esame di lingua inglese numero 2 e la chiave. 

Testo e chiave per Inglese esame 1 3 giugno 2021

Nella mia pagina disum troverete il testo dell'esame 1 del 3 giugno ed anche la chiave.

Ann Davies


Here is the text of the first year written exam 1 (June 3rd) and the key

Visione esame 1 anno inglese del 3 giugno

Gli studenti che non hanno superato la prova scritta di inglese del 3 giugno possono mettersi in contatto tramite email con la Dott, ssa

Davies per fissare un appuntamento. Per l'esame 1 ore 8.30 solo gli studenti presenti nelle seguenti aule - 1, 2, 3, 6,7, 8, 9 e 10.  

Per l'esame 2 alle ore 11  - solo gli studenti dell'aula 15.

Per le altre aule, contattate la Dott.ssa Simpson oppure la Dott, ssa Brown.

Second semester: timetable for lettorati groups

The lettorati will start on Monday March 1st on Microsoft Teams. You will find the timetable on my Disum page - cerca docente.  Please read the information carefully since there are changes to the days and times for 1E and 2H, and also the code for 2H. 1N and 2E will follow the timetable for the first semester.

Homework 2E and 2H

Please look at assignments/chat for new homework.

First year January 2021 - Visione compiti

Please contact the following teachers to make an appointment:

From Aiello to Giachino - Simpson:;

Giubilante to Portabene -   Davies:;

Porto to Zappalà  - Brown:

First year written exam January 2021 - answer key

On my Disum page you will find the answer key for the first year written exam January 2021. Please consult this page for messages regarding future appointments for discussing the mistakes made ( only for students who failed).


On my Disum page you will find the answer key to the first year written exam January 2021. You will also find alternative answers to the exercises, but not all the answers accepted have been included. Please check my page for messages regarding future appointments to discuss your mistakes if you failed the exam.


You will find the alternative codes on my page

English lettorato: notice for 1E students

Students in group 1E English lettorato with Mrs. Davies who have clashes with Spanish can move to group 1D with Mrs. Howell on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 to 4 o'clock. Please inform Mrs. Davies of the change if you have not already done so. 

Correction of abstracts

All the lettrici are willing to correct your abstracts but please send your work to only ONE person to avoid wasting your time and ours.

First year groups -1E/1N

I apologise for the inconvenience  caused to you today.  We hope lessons will resume as normal on Monday 2nd November. Please consult notices on general course websites and also my page for updated information.

Groups 2E and 2H - homework - update

Could you please send your written homework on Microsoft teams. I will put the assignment on msteams, giving a deadline. You can upload your work on the site itself.  Please do not send me your work via email unless you have already done so. Thank you,

Visione esami scritti inglese primo anno ottobre 2020

Gli studenti e le studentesse che NON hanno superato l'esame scritto di ottobre del PRIMO anno possono contattare tramite email le lettrici per fissare un appuntamento a distanza: 

Da Agliozzo a Maione: Dott.ssa Gill Brown - s_raciti@virgilio. it

Da Marano a Rapisarda: Dott.ssa Liz Simpson - 

Da Rizzo a Zappalà: Dott.ssa Ann Davies - 

Argomento di cultura anglosassone - per tutti gli studenti di lingua inglese del primo e del secondo anno

At the beginning of the courses in October, all the students were informed that they had to do a small research project on life and culture in English-speaking countries, or another topic of petsonal interest. This topic was to be discussed during the oral exams, after the written exams. The situation has changed since then. You can still prepare a topic, but IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SEND it to the teachers for correction. If your teacher has already agreed to correct it, then please wait until after the written exams when you know your results. 

Tomorrow,  3rd June, the written exams start

2A and 2B keys to course material 2 June

Here are the keys you requested. I wish you allthe very best for the exams.

Keys to first and second year exams done in class

here are the keys to exams you did online. Since a lot of you had problems sending them and I wasn't able to correct them, here are the keys. Good luck with everything. 

Teams 2nd year

The next exam we will do is January 2019. If you have already done it with your previous teachers, please let me know. Thank you.

Microsoft teams 1st year and 2nd year

I have added new material for 2nd years. look for May 11, modals, passives, connectors. First year - I have uploaded October 2019 and January 2020 again. 

Lettorati d'inglese secondo semestre Dott.ssa Davies

I gruppi sono i seguenti:

Lettorato inglese 1/A.DAVIES

1 anno gruppi 1I, 1J e Lm65 dalle ore 14 alle ore 16 lunedì e mercoledì  (con inizio 15 aprile)

codice per 1I e 1J : 4ycs73b;  codice L65 : s1qfwjo

Per la prima lezione scaricare da Studium, lettorato inglese gruppo 1D esame scritto giugno 2019 Exam 2. Svolgere tutti gli esercizi tranne sezione 1, listening.

Lettorato Inglese 2 /A.DAVIES

2 anno gruppi  2A e 2B dalle ore 16 alle ore 18 lunedì e mercoledì  (con inizio 15 aprile)

Codice: mmqaz0w

A presto

English lettorato groups 1D, 1J and 2C

Please look at the notices on my personal page for important information regarding work to be done.

Important information for First year English written exams

Please look on my personal page fir a list of useful tips 

information for groups 1D, 1J and 2C - Mrs. Davies

Unfortunately we have no face-to face lessons at the moment, so I would like you to use this time to prepare work for the written and oral exams. 

All students will have to present a "project" or specific topic for the oral exams, which must be connected with British life  in some way - history, tourism, media, music, politics etc. Please think of a topic you are interested in and send me your suggestions for approval before you start writing.


ask for my go-ahead;

no more than 500 words, which must be your OWN words and not copied and pasted from websites;

you can send me your

Information for First Year written exams

Here is a list of useful tips for all the students who have to sit the first year written exams. Hopefully they will help you!