Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ROSARIA SARDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1)    Knowledge and understanding: the course aims to provide students with advanced methodological tools to reflect on: Linguistic Typology, languages in contact and interlanguages;

2)    Ability to apply knowledge and understanding of Language acquisition and specific processes related to Italian language acquisition; Contemporary Languages: Grammar, Lexical and Morphosyntactic Structures; Language Teaching and Metacognitive processes; Language Evaluation Processes and Errors related to Italian as a Second or Foreign Language;

3)    Autonomy of judgement (related to language skills and the Common European Framework and the Certification Systems.


4)    Learning skills on L2 teaching


5)    Communication skills (the Course also offers skills and strategies necessary to improve communication in the L2 classroom, in order to plan a teaching syllabus).

Course Structure

Frontal lessons (power point, video, surfing websites, use of language corpora), lectures with invited speakers, practical lessons aimed at creating a language unit.

Required Prerequisites

Principles of General Linguistics

C1 level of Italian Language, or any other Language

Detailed Course Content

1) Principles of Language Acquisition and Language Teaching

- theoretical principles of language teaching;

- theories of language acquisition;

- historical development of language teaching;

- the Common European Framework (CEF);

2) Teaching Strategies

- the concept of evaluation;

- different ways to evaluate according to levels;

- theories and teaching methods in order to test;

SKILLS: the students are able

- to make connections between theory and its implications for practice;

- to choose and create a testing according to different objectives;

- to use different ways and grids according to different objectives and the method chosen;

- to select levels, to choose the teaching method according to context and the people involved;

COMPETENCES: the students

- apply different ways and grids to create a testing according to context and people involved;

- create and implement a testing in virtual environments.

Textbook Information

Andorno, C. - Valentini, A. - Grassi, R.  Verso una nuova lingua. Capire l'acquisizione di L2, Torino, Utet Università, 2017 (pp. 5 - 299);


Balboni, P. Le sfide di Babele. Insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse, UTET università, Torino 2012 (pp. 5- 244);


Danesi, M. – Diadori, P. – Semplici, S., 2018, Tecniche didattiche per la seconda lingua. Strategie e strumenti, anche in contesti CLIL, Roma, Carocci (pp. 7-330)


D. Cortés Velásquez, S. Faone, E. Nuzzo  (2017) Analizzare i manuali per l’insegnamento delle lingue: strumenti per una glottodidattica applicata, in: «Italiano LinguaDue» n. 2. 2017 (pp. 1-74)