Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: LOREDANA PAVONE

Expected Learning Outcomes

To achieve oral and written skills in French at C1 Plus level (Framework). 

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1)    Knowledge and understanding (the main characteristics of language discrimination; French regional languages)

2)    Applying knowledge and understanding (researching information and compare specialised views on  plural identities and regional languages)

3)    Making judgements (expressing a personal opinion on a current French topic)

4)    Communication skills (Debate about controversial topics in applied linguistics; writing creative texts, producing sociolinguistically and pragmatically appropriate written and oral utterances

5)    Learning skills (developing personal strategies for self-learning)To achieve oral and written skills in French at C1 Plus level (Framework). 

Course Structure

Lectures, multimedia activities (independent and guided individual exercises).

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

In-depth analysis of the main characteristics of contemporary French. Regional languages and language discrimination Some recurrent stylistic. and socio-pragmalinguistic phenomena will be analysed.

Textbook Information

A  Oral and written skills at C2 Plus level (3 ECTS) -Annual

- AA.VV., Tendances. Niveaux C1-C2, Livre de l'élève + DVD ROM, Paris, Clé international, 2019,  pp. 62-203.

- AA.VV., Tendances. Niveaux C1/C2, Cahier d'activités, Paris, Clé international, 2019 (avec corrigés et transcriptions), pp. 66-159.

-  AA.VV. Exercices de grammaire française, Bruxelles, De Boeck-Duculot, 4e édition revue et corrigée, 2010 (avec corrigés et CD-ROM), coll. <Grevisse>, pp. 251 (self-directed study).

B Regional languages of France, language discrimination and plural identity (3 ECTS) – Annual


- M. Avanzi, A. Vincenti, A. Rey, Comme on dit chez nous. Le grand livre du français de nos régions, Paris, Le Robert, 2020, pp. 1-240

- Ph. Blanchet, Discriminations : combattre la glottophobie, Paris, Lambert-Lucas, 2019, 2ème éd. revue, pp. 1-152


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.