Origins of European Literatures

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ELIANA GIOVANNA CREAZZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) knowledge and understanding skills such as to reinforce those achieved in the first cycle; ability to elaborate and / or apply original ideas, in a research context.

2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding and ability to solve problems to new or unfamiliar issues, inserted in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts connected to one's field of study;

3) ability to integrate knowledge and to formulate judgments on the basis of information that is not necessarily complete;

4) ability to communicate one's knowledge clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

5) ability to carry out research autonomously.

The course aims in particular to provide the student with an expansion of the knowledge of the origins of European literatures, with reference to the main literary forms, the canon of texts, cultural dynamics, according to comparative methodologies and connections between the medieval and modern horizon.

Course Structure

Lectures and exercises

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of Italian and European literatures, possession of the methodological tools for the analysis of literary texts and knowledge of the most recent literary critical-methodological approaches.

Attendance of Lessons

Optional but recommended attendance

Detailed Course Content

1. Reception, comparativism and literary canon

2. Eros and medieval female mysticism


Textbook Information

H. R. Jauss, Storia della letteratura come provocazione, a cura di P. Cresto-Dina, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2016, pp. 275.


A. Pioletti, Filologia e critica. Contro gli stereotipi, Rubbettino 2021, pp. 220.


L. Muraro, L’esperienza delle mistiche, in Lo spazio letterario del medioevo. 2. Il Medioevo volgare, vol. IV, L’attualizzazione del testo, Salerno ed., pp. 627-49 (available in Studium).


Angela da Foligno, Il libro dell’esperienza, a cura di G. Pozzi, Adelphi 2001, pp. 261.


Further bibliographical material will be provided during the lessons and made available on the Studium platform.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Written exam in progress: report on part 1 of the program

Final oral exam: The assessment of the exam will take into account the mastery of the contents and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What is the legibility of a work? What is the literary canon and how to rethink it? What is meant by the European origins of literatures? When to place the formation of the novel genre? What is the mystical vision? What is the contribution of medieval female mysticism to the vision of love? How is the dimension of the body seen / represented in medieval female mystical texts?