Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Concetto MARTELLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Acquire a first awareness of the link between society, philosophical ideas and practices through the highlighting of the paths for which to define and mature the demand of rationality. Make an initial experience of critical reading of philosophical texts. In detail, achieve the following objectives:

1. Initial knowledge and understanding of historical-philosophical literature;

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding to historical-philosophical readings;

3. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding to historical-philosophical readings;

4. Communication skills in the search for a method of critical reading of the proposed texts;

5. Learning ability of the proposed institutional contents.

Course Structure

The teaching method is based on the deepening of the main methodological aspects and problems of the philosophical history during frontal lessons, which take into account the needs and shortcomings of the students. This needs highlighted in the interaction in which the training relationship consists.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

History and problems of philosophical thought, with particular reference to the movement of ideas and the clarification of the philosophical object from antiquity to the modern age.

Textbook Information

Module A. Philosophical History as Philosophy (4 ECTS)


- Eugenio Garin, La filosofia come sapere storico, Laterza 1959, pp.  3-17, 33-86;

- Rodolfo Mondolfo, Problemi e metodi di ricerca nella storia della filosofia, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1969, pp. 19-103.

- Abelardo, Teologia del sommo bene, a cura di Marco Rossini, Bompiani, Milano 2003, pp. 46-265 (solo dispari).

- Marco Rossini, Introduzione, in Abelardo, Teologia del sommo bene, Bompiani, Milano 2003, pp. 7-38.

- Jean Jolivet, Abelardo. Dialettica e Mistero, Jaca Book, Milano 1996, pp. 11-111.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.