Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIOVANNI PIAZZA

Expected Learning Outcomes

In accordance with the Dublin descriptors, students on the course will achieve the following objectives:

1) Knowledge and understanding

The course provides the theoretical and empirical knowledge and analytical tools relating to the main concepts, actors and processes studied in the sociology of political phenomena: from the definition of politics to the analysis of the field of political sociology; from the modern form of concentration of political power, the state, analysed in its current forms up to neo-liberalism, to its relationship with the various forms of political violence (terrorism, armed struggle) and with revolutionary phenomena; from alternative forms of democracy (participatory and deliberative) to political participation and the main collective actors (parties, groups and social movements), from political ideologies and cultures to political communication. 

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

The course enables students to be able to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding in such a way as to demonstrate adequate skills to devise and support arguments.

3) Autonomy of judgement

The course is aimed at stimulating students' reflection and capacity for critical interpretation of contemporary political phenomena, also using computer and audio-visual supports (links to websites, projections of graphs, tables, images, videos and films).

4) Communication skills

Ability to communicate with appropriate language the information, ideas and issues addressed in the course.

5) Learning skills

To develop the skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

The teaching will be carried out through lectures and classroom exercises.

Required Prerequisites

No mandatory prerequisites. It is preferable to have basic knowledge of general sociology

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Politics and political sociology. The modern State: the Nation and nationalism, theories and historical development; the welfare and democratic State; depoliticization and neo-liberalism. The State and violence: the police power, political violence (terrorism, armed struggle) and revolutions. Beyond liberal democracy: Participatory and deliberative democracy. Political participation: the actors (parties, groups) and conventional and unconventional forms. The Social Movements: approaches, social structures and change, identity, emotions and symbolic production, organization and networks, repertoires of action and political context; territorial movements and globalization. Ideologies and political cultures; dichotomy left / right, populism. Communication and political processes: languages, rituals, political media coverage, electoral campaigns, citizens and new media. Territorial movements (No Muos). Social movements in higher education. The squatting movements for housing and social centers.

Textbook Information

de Nardis F. (2023) (Nuova edizione), Sociologia politica. Per comprendere i fenomeni politici contemporanei. Milano, McGraw-Hill: cap. 1, par. 1.1, pp. 1-8; cap. 5, par. 5.1, 5.2.4, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.4: pp. 149-158, 166-168, 181-192; cap. 7, par. 7.1, 7.3, pp. 231-241, 254-258; cap. 8, par. 8.1.3, 8.2, 8.2.1, 8.2.2, pp. 288-310; cap. 10, pp. 375-419; cap. 11, par. 11.1, 11.2, 11.4, pp. 421-439, 456-462; cap. 12, pp. 463-488.

della Porta, D. and Piazza, G. (2016), Il cambiamento di scala del Movimento No MUOS: Oltre la  protesta contro l’inquinamento elettromagnetico, in «StrumentiRes. Rivista online della Fondazione RES», Anno VIII, n. 2, Maggio (www.strumentires.com), pp.1-28.

Piazza G. (2014), Non solo studenti : le ondate di protesta nelle scuole e nelle università, in Alteri L. e Raffini L. (a cura di), La nuova politica. Movimenti, mobilitazioni e conflitti in Italia. EdiSES, Napoli, pp. 51-70.

Frazzetta, F. e G. Piazza (2022), L’evoluzione del movimento dei centri sociali in Italia: dalle occupazioni “polivalenti” (multitasking) agli spazi con specifica destinazione d’uso, in Criticity (a cura di), Futuri Urbani: Città Viva - Vol. III, Contrabbandiera editrice, Firenze, pp. 48-63, https://criticity.org/


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What is politics, political sociology, the state, the nation, participation, democracies, social movements, political cultures, ideologies, political communication, etc.?