Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: FEDERICA FRAGAPANE

Expected Learning Outcomes

The main aim is to give students the linguistic notions about Spanish morphology and syntax, to develop the linguistic and communicative competences established by the level B2 of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. That is, to be able to master a sufficient set of competences useful for reaching satisfactory results in the ordinary conversation about a great range of topics, and in the linguistic analysis of oral and written tests, from a contrastive point of view.

Attending results, according to the Dublin descriptors:

  1. Knowledge and understanding: students will be able to master Spanish syntax and main theories about Translation.
  2. Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to analyze, comment and translate Spanish texts.
  3. Making judgements: students will be able to formulate personal opinions about actual topics.
  4. Communication skills: students will be able to converse in different communicative situations.
  5. Learning skills: students will be able to study autonomously.

Course Structure

The course consists in 36 hours of frontal lessons in Spanish.

During the course we will analyze and translate spanish tests, with a contrastive approach (spanish-italian).

The course is complemented by the language practice classes taught by linguistic experts

Required Prerequisites

Linguistic-communicative competence B1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(C.E.F.), referring to oral and written abilities. Prerequisite: Language and Spanish translation 1

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not mandatory but it is recommended.

Detailed Course Content

A.    Syntax (3 ECTS)

-        Past tenses

-        Subjunctive

-        Conditional

-        Study of syntax

-        Subordinate clauses, the different kinds of clauses

-        Verbs of change

-        Textual analysis


B.     Theory of Translation (3 ECTS)

Exercitations, translation, linguistic analysis between the two languages in a contrastive perspective.

Textbook Information

A.    Syntax  (3 ECTS)


-Ruiz de Aguirre, A., Sintaxis 2017. Curso completo. (Manual del alumno. Cuadros del profesor. Ejercicios. Solucionario), Spanish edition eBook, 2017, pp. 139.

-VV.AA., Vente 2 (B1) – Libro del alumno– Edelsa, pp.127.

-VV.AA, Vente 3 (B2)-Libro del alumno– Edelsa, pp. 256.

-VV.AA., Experiencias internacional 4 B2. Libro del alumno - Edelsa – 2021, pp. 192.


B.    Translation (3 ECTS)

·       M. Lefèvre, Tradurre lo spagnolo, Carocci, 2011, pp. 125.

·       Luis Landero, Lluvia fina, Tusquets, 2019, pp. 276



·       Arqués, R., Padoan, A.: Il grande dizionario di Spagnolo, Zanichelli, 2020.

·       Diccionario General de Lengua española, Madrid: Vox, 2009.

·       Seco, M.: Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa- Calpe, 2002.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The written test is compulsory and preparatory to the oral test.

It is divided into three parts:

1) syntax exercises

2) exercises of comprehension of the text and written production

3) translation


The evaluation criteria for the written production test are: adecuación, alcance, correción y coherencia.


The oral exam takes place exclusively in Spanish and includes:

1) oral interview to verify possession of level B2.

2) oral interview on the course contents.


The assessment of the exam will take into account the mastery of the contents and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Difference between statement and sentence.

The types of subordinates.

The functions of substantive subordinates.

The use of subjunctive in causals.

The use of the indicative in the concessives.

Translation procedures.