Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: STEFANIA RIMINI

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) knowledge and understanding in a post-secondary level field of study and knowing the fundamental themes in one's field of study;

2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding in order to demonstrate a professional approach and possess adequate skills both to conceive and support arguments and to solve problems in one's field of study

3) learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

Lectures with audiovisual support

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course is combined in three parts. The Module A focuses on Film history, with specific references to main authors, currents and national schools, from the origins to the eighties.

The Module B, theoretical and pratical, deals with key concepts in film language.

The Module C offers a in-depth analisys of the main features of Agnes Varda.

Textbook Information

Module A - Arcipelago cinema (4 ECTS)


- G. Carluccio, L. Malavasi, F. Villa (eds), Il cinema. Percorsi storici e questioni teoriche, Roma, Carocci, 2022 (about 400 pp.)


Module B A «lexicon of images»: a journey through Agnès Varda's cinema (2 ECTS)


- L. Malavasi, A. Masecchia (eds), Pianeta Varda, Pisa, ETS, 2022,

- S. Rimini, Combattere per un’immagine. Performatività e straniamento in Une minute pour un’image di Agnès Varda, «Arabeschi», VIII, 16, luglio-dicembre 2020, http://www.arabeschi.it/combattere-per-unimmagine-performativit--e-straniamento-in-une-minute-pour-une-image-di-agns-varda/


Video analysis:

Daguerréotypes, di A. Varda (1975)

Un minute pour un’image, di A. Varda (1983)

Varda par Agnès, di A. Varda (2019)


To pass the exam students must choose at least five films from those indicated in this list (it is also possible to choose other films to be agreed with the teacher):

Lumière! (cofanetto Cineteca di Bologna)

Voyage dans la lune (G. Méliès, 1902)

Intolerance (D.W. Griffith, 1916)

Il gabinetto del dottor Caligari (R. Wiene, 1920)

Nanook l'esquimese (R. Flaherty, 1922)

Nosferatu (F.W. Murnau, 1922)

Greed (E. von Stroheim, 1925)

La corazzata Potëmkin (S. Ejzenstejn, 1925)

Un chien andalou (L. Buñuel, 1929)

Tempi moderni (C. Chaplin, 1936)

Susanna (H. Hawks, 1938)

Alba tragica (M. Carné, 1939)

Ninotchka (E. Lubitsch, 1939)

La regola del gioco (J. Renoir, 1939)

Ombre rosse (J. Ford, 1939)

Quarto potere (O. Welles, 1941)

Paisà (R. Rossellini, 1946)

Ladri di biciclette (V. De Sica, 1948)

Nodo alla gola (A. Hitchcock, 1948)

Riso Amaro (G. De Santis, 1949)

Il posto delle fragole (I. Bergman, 1957)

Diario di un curato di campagna (R: Bresson, 1961)

Un dollaro d'onore (H. Hawks, 1959)

I quattrocento colpi (F. Truffaut, 1959)

Hiroshima mon amour (A. Resnais, 1959)

Fino all'ultimo respiro (J.L. Godard, 1960)

La dolce vita (F. Fellini, 1960)

Rocco e i suoi fratelli (L. Visconti, 1960)

Mamma Roma (P.P. Pasolini, 1962)

Il sorpasso (D. Risi, 1962)

Lolita (S. Kubrick, 1962)

Le mani sulla città (F. Rosi, 1963)

Il servo (J. Losey, 1963)

Deserto rosso (M. Antonioni, 1964)

Io la conoscevo bene (A. Pietrangeli, 1965)

Il buono, il brutto e il cattivo (S. Leone, 1966)

Bella di giorno (L. Buñuel, 1967)

Il laureato (M. Nichols, 1967)

Il conformista (B. Bertolucci, 1970)

Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (E. Petri, 1970)

Nashville (R. Altman, 1975)

Lo squalo (S. Spielberg, 1975)

Taxi Driver (M. Scorsese, 1976)

Io ed Annie (W. Allen, 1977)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.