Marketing and Business Administration

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: FABIO LA ROSA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding

As to Business Administration, the course aims to provide students with the terminology and fundamental methodologies of the business disciplines useful for representing and understanding the operation, the governance of enterprises, and the conditions for achieving business success, also by using tools such as financial statements and cost analysis.

As to Marketing, the course aims to provide students with the terminology, methodologies and basic technical knowledge of traditional marketing and digital marketing, useful for the education of marketing, advertising and public relations technicians.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Ability to translate the acquired knowledge from the theoretical to the practical-professional level and to develop specific skills useful for the management and evaluation of the activities carried out in the various fields of business communication and marketing and the organization of advertising campaigns, also in relation to the opportunities offered from new communication technologies.

3) Making judgments

Developing one's own independent judgment which, in the future working context, can guide the professional activity as a manager or marketing consultant.

4) Communication skills

Acquiring a specialized language aimed at developing communication skills that can be used in advertising and promotional communication, as well as in that of the company, knowing how to communicate the analysis of the market situation, the proposed interventions, also in dialogue with professionals from other disciplinary fields.

5) Learning skills

Ability to learn the fundamental knowledge inherent to the tools and strategies of corporate communication, the promotional and advertising sector, as well as to learn from the stimuli coming from the market (users of the product / service and competitors).

Course Structure

The course is structured in 36 hours of lectures, with Powerpoint support and student involvement in discussing short case studies. 

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

Business Administration: principles of governance, business success, the financial statements and cost analysis

1. Notion of firm and business administration.

2. Basic principles of governance: progress, unity, autonomy, profitability, solvency, notions of effectiveness, efficiency and business risk; relationship between profitability and solvency.

3. Business success

4. The financial statements: balance sheet, income statement, notions of equity capital and net income.

5. Cost configurations and the allocation of indirect costs

6. The profitability diagram


“Marketing”: from traditional (1.0) to Digital (4.0)

1. Definitions, historical evolution and approaches of marketing (marketing 1.0 and 2.0)

2. Marketing environment

3. Segmentation, targeting, positioning, differentiation

4. Marketing information system and market research

5. Marketing mix (4P): product, price, placement and promotion

6. Humanistic/experiential marketing (marketing 3.0)

7. Digital marketing (marketing 4.0)

Textbook Information


- C. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2th edition): Part I, chapters 1, 2, 3 (pp. 3-35), 5, 6 (pp. 45-67, pp. 76-79); Part II, chapter 1 (pp. 117-123, Paragraph 1.3.2 excluded); Part III, chapters 1 (pp. 239-249, Paragraph 1.4.4 excluded), 2 (pp. 271-283).

- J. Blythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Torino, Pearson Italia, 2017 (6th edition): chapters 1-9 (pp. 1-270).

- P. Kotler, H. Kartajaya, I. Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Milano, Hoepli, 2017 (pp. 1-161).


Slides in MS-PPT® provided by the teacher.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

C. SorciLezioni di Economia aziendaleGiuffrè2014
J. Blythe, E. Cedrola, J. MartinFondamenti di MarketingPearson Italia2016
P. Kotler, H. KartajayaI. SetiawanMarketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitaleHoepli2017

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1The notion of firm and of business administrationC. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte I, cap. 1, pp. 3-7.
2The basic principles of governance: progress, unity, autonomy, profitability, solvency, notions of effectiveness, efficiency and business riskC. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte I, cap. 2, pp. 9-27.
3The relationships between profitability and solvencyC. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte I, cap. 3, pp. 29-35.
4The business success and the entrepreneurial formulaC. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte I, cap. 5, pp. 45-67 e cap. 6, pp. 76-79
5The financial statements: balance sheet, income statement, notion of capital equity and net income.C. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte II, cap. 1, pp. 117-123.
6The determination of costs: cost configurations, direct costs and the allocation of indirect costs.C. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte I, cap. 1, pp. 239-249, escluso par. 1.4.4
7The profitability diagram.C. Sorci, Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014 (2a edizione): Parte I, cap. 2, pp. 271-283 
8Definitions of marketing, its historical evolution and marketing approachesBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 1, pp. 1-25.
9Marketing management: marketing process, strategic planning, strategic and operational marketing, marketing planBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 2, pp. 27-53.
10Segmentation, targeting, positioning, differentiationBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 4, pp. 93-122.
11Marketing information system and market researchBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 5, pp. 123-150.
12Marketing mix (marketing 2.0): the productBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 6, pp. 151-191.
13Marketing mix (marketing 2.0): the priceBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 7, pp. 193-214.
14Marketing mix (marketing 2.0): the placementBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 8, pp. 215-238.
15Marketing mix (marketing 2.0): the promotionBlythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 9, pp. 239-284.
16Consumer behavior and experiential marketing (marketing 3.0)Blythe, E. Cedrola, J. Martin, Fondamenti di marketing, Pearson Italia, 2017, (6a edizione): cap. 3, pp. 55-92.
17Digital marketing (marketing 4.0): main trends changing marketingP. Kotler, H. KartajayaI., I Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Milano, Hoepli, 2017, Parte I, pp. 1-52.
18Digital marketing  (marketing 4.0): new marketing approaches in the digital economyP. Kotler, H. KartajayaI., I. Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Milano, Hoepli, 2017, parte II, pp. 55-104.
19Digital marketing  (marketing 4.0): marketing tactical applications in the digital economyP. Kotler, H. KartajayaI., I. Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Milano, Hoepli, 2017, parte III, pp. 105-161.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam.

The assessment of the exam will take into account the mastery of the contents and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1. What are the basic principles of business governance and which of these are most important?

2. What are the dimensions of business success and their determinants?

3. How are capital equity and net income determined?

4. What are the main cost configurations and the main indirect cost allocation criteria?

5. What is the purpose of the profitability diagram and what are the assumptions on which it is based?

6. What are the product innovation strategies?

7. What are the main pricing strategies?

8. What are the elements of the promotional mix?

9. What is meant by experiential marketing?

10. What are the 5As of Kotler's model in digital marketing?