Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SABINA FONTANA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding

Starting from the knowledge that each student possesses in relation to the nature and functioning of Sign Language II, the course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the sectorial languages of LIS and the problems related to the translation and interpretation of sign languages in relation to the specificities of the deaf community.

2) Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding

The course aims to promote the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of the main concepts of LIS III and the translation of sign languages in such a way as to be able to support one's own positions on theoretical problems and solve problems relating to this field of research.

2) Autonomy of judgement

Awareness of translation problems and the specificities of sign language communities will enable the development of autonomous judgement also in relation to the various translanguaging models that have been developed in the 20th century.

4) Communicative skills

Reflection on the workings of language requires the development of a specialised vocabulary that will enable both specialists and non-specialists to provide as technical a description of the object of study as possible.

5) Learning skills

The acquisition of learning skills that enable one to undertake subsequent research paths with a high degree of autonomy.


Course Structure

Frontal lessons and cooperative learning. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Students should have a basic knowledge of sign language functioning at the sublexical, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels.

Detailed Course Content

The main methodological tools to analyse and understand social variation in LIS will be analysed in relationship to various different theroretical perspectives in sociolinguistics, sociology of language and ethnography of communication. The main learning objectives consists in building a theoretical and practical awareness of the social functioning of a minority oral language, such as LIS and of the main problems in translating and intepreting it. Social variation and language will be explored d into depth with a comparative approach together with the social, cultural aspects of the Deaf Community.

Textbook Information

S. Fontana (2013) Tradurre lingue dei segni. Un'analisi multidimensionale, Mucchi editore

A. Branni (in stampa) 

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Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. Comunità segnanteFontana; Branni
22 struttura LISFontana; Branni; Raniolo
33. Sociolinguistica LISFontana; Branni; Raniolo
44 Comparazione Lingue dei segni e Lingue vocali Fontana; Raniolo
511. interpretariato lis/italiano e traduzioneFontana; Raniolo
612. Bilinguismo bimodale e disugualeFontana
713. Minoranze e TraduzioneFontana
814. Traduzione da lingue visive a lingue vocaliFontana; Raniolo
915. Percezione dei sordi Branni
1016. Embodiment e traduzioneRaniolo