Mobilità Internazionale

Delegato per il progetto Erasmus e l'internazionalizzazione 
Prof.ssa Alessandra Schininà 
Struttura didattica speciale di lingue e letterature straniere
Via Orfanotrofio, 49, 97100 Ragusa Ibla
Tel./ Fax: (+39) 0932 082711

Delegato amministrativo per il progetto Erasmus
Dott.ssa Luana Distefano
Tel: (+39) 0932 082703

Referente in sede:
Sig.ra Giovanna Criscione
Via Dott.Solarino (ex Distretto Militare )
97100 Ragusa Ibla
Tel: (+39) 0932 082714

Orari di ricevimento ufficio Erasmus, Via Dott.Solarino (ex Distretto Militare), 97100 Ragusa Ibla:

- lunedì martedì mercoledì e giovedì dalle ore 9,00 alle ore 13,00

- martedì mercoledì e giovedì dalle 14.30 alle 16.00

School of "Foreign Languages and Literatures"

For quick reference, essential information at the School of "Foreign Languages and Literatures" is summarised here. The administrative offices and teaching areas are located in the recently renovated buildings of an old convent, immersed in the splendid baroque surroundings of Ragusa Ibla in Via Orfanotrofio. 
Degree courses offered at the School focus on the following languages and cultures: American English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Sign Language. Complementing the modules on foreign languages and teaching foreign languages, the courses also include literary, artistic and historical subjects. At the end of a three year undergraduate course, students obtain a first degree in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation. A further two year's postgraduate study on the "magistrale" course (second level) leads to a qualification (between master and PhD level) in European and Oriental languages and Cultures. The School is equipped with a state of the art multimedia language laboratory.


Head Prof. Stefano Rapisarda
Struttura didattica speciale di lingue e letterature straniere
Via Orfanotrofio, 49
97100 Ragusa Ibla
Phone / Fax: (+39) 0932 082711

Erasmus and Internationalization Delegate 
Prof. Alessandra Schininà 
Struttura didattica speciale di lingue e letterature straniere 
Via Orfanotrofio, 49, 97100 Ragusa Ibla
Phone / Fax: (+39) 0932 082711

Erasmus Faculty Officer
Dr. Luana Distefano
Phone: (+39) 0932 082703

On-side reference:
Mrs Giovanna Criscione
Via Dott.Solarino (ex Distretto Militare ), 97100 Ragusa Ibla
Phone (+39) 0932 654845
Fax (+39) 0932 082714

Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 14.30 - 16.00