Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SALVATORE TORRE

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

Basic knowledge of cultural, economic and geopolitical frameworks.

Basic knowledge of the broad outlines of economic and ecological crises.

Basic knowledge of the main methods of investigation and theories of human settlement, socio-environmental conflicts.

Application of knowledge and understanding:

Basic knowledge of global geopolitical frameworks

Use of basic tools of geographical analysis, applied to the study of major cultural areas.

Linking theoretical knowledge to the practical study of territories.

Linking the theoretical framework and the study of migration processes.

Judgement skills:

Identification of the main social phenomena with cartographic and iconographic tools.

Application of theories to practical problems and issues in the regional territory.

Communication skills:

Describing processes and phenomena.

Giving examples and reasoning about theories and case studies.

Learning skills:

In-depth understanding of key issues through research of scientific sources and databases.

Course Structure

The course will be divided into thematic lecture groups, during which didactic games and student forums will be held.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to present the main issues related to the major global transformations of recent decades. The aim of the course is also to contribute to the formation of skills related to the analysis of geographical processes. Some of the major issues related to the global ecological crisis and the numerous geopolitical and ecological problems that human communities have been facing in recent years will be addressed. The course will also address the analysis of the current debate on socio-ecological processes, focusing on environmental transformations, economic globalisation, social conflicts and inequalities.

Textbook Information

1. McNeill, J. & Engelke, P. 2018. La grande accelerazione. Una storia ambientale dell’antropocene dopo il 1945. Torino: Einaudi (pp. 1-270).

2. Royer J. M., 2023. Il mondo come progetto Manhattan. Milano: Mimesis. Esclusivemente le pagine 17-62; 183-246.

3. Moore, J. W. Ecologia-mondo e crisi del capitalismo. Verona: Ombre Corte, 2023 (pagine tot. 1-200).


Armiero, M. 2007. Natura: femminile, plurale. Intervista a Carolyn Merchant. I frutti di Demetra, 14: 87-95.

Barca, S. 2017. L’antropocene una narrazione politica. Riflessioni Sistemiche, 17 [online] – disponibile anche in

Fumagalli, A. 2021. Postfazione a Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith a Pechino. Milano: Mimesis, 2021, Esclusivamente pp. 521-531.

Mezzadra, S. 2023. Una transizione aperta. Rivista Geografica Italiana, 3.
