Comparative Literature

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ANDREA SCHEMBARI

Expected Learning Outcomes

A)    Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge of the fundamental elements of comparative studies as a scientific subject; acquisition of research methodologies by genres and themes.


B)    Applying knowledge and understanding

Development of critical processing skills in reference to literary comparison; ability to connect elements of European literature with reference to the odeporic genre and the themes related to it; bibliographic orientation skills; ability to cross knowledge in an interdisciplinary way.


C)    Autonomy of judgement

Development of critical skills that make it possible to combine the acquired literary knowledge in an interdisciplinary way and to interpret different anthropological and cultural fields, in a diachronic and synchronic perspective.


D)    Communication skills

Ability to present the results of one’s study favoring the complex and detailed expression of contents; ability to discuss literary contents effectively and critically.


E)    Learning skills

           Development of autonomous learning skills in studying the literary materials of the course with the aim of interacting with diverse interlocutors and in different working environments.

Course Structure

The lectures will be supplemented by ongoing tests and, if possible, by seminars with other teachers.

Required Prerequisites

The course does not require specific prerequisites. During the first lessons, however, knowledge of the basic concepts for the study of literature (difference between literary text and non-literary text; difference between narrative, poetic, theatrical and non-fiction texts) will be verified through class discussion  Students who deem it appropriate can attend the zero course called "Fondamenti di cultura letteraria".

Attendance of Lessons

Attending the course is not mandatory but highly recommended

Detailed Course Content

The course is structured in three modules. The first (A) deals with the foundations and evolution of the comparative study of literature. The second module (B), after a historical-critical definition of the odeporic genre, focuses on some representative figures of Italian writers – between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries – authors of odeporic texts dedicated to travel across European and non-European territories. Finally, the third module (C) focuses on travel to Sicily – between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries – told by foreign authors.

Textbook Information

The anthological extracts proposed in the modules B and C and not present in the textbook (as well as any other additions of methodological and historical-critical content by the teacher), will be made available on the Studium platform for free consultation.


It is compulsory to attend the exams bringing at least the poetic texts in the program, in printed form or other multimedia support. This is used for the analysis of the poetic text which is an integral and necessary part of the exam itself.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam takes place via oral examination before the exam, an ongoing test will be held, in written form, relating to module A.

Below are the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Comparative Literature exam:

1) Knowledge of the fundamental lines of diachronic development of comparative studies as a discipline.

2) Knowledge of the fundamental problems faced by comparative studies.

3) Adequate understanding and knowledge of the theme covered by the course and of the works addressed and present in the program.

4) Ability to critically read a text, in relation to the theme addressed, the literary genre to which it belongs, the intersections between national and continental cultures.

5) Ability to contextualize a work in reference to national traditions and relationship networks between different cultures and languages.

For the evaluation of the exam, the mastery of the contents and the skills acquired, the linguistic accuracy and lexical property, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate will be taken into account.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- What is meant by thematic criticism?

- How does comparatism study the relationships between literature and the other arts?

- Fundamental moments in the history of comparative studies as a science.

- The problem of the canon in the comparative debate.

- Cultural studies.

- Gender studies.

- How has the concept of literary genre evolved over time?

- What type of text is Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli's Journal de voyage, and what are the elements that distinguish it from other time travel texts?

- What influences did the voyage to Sicily have on Goethe's subsequent production?