Arabic Literature

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Mirella CASSARINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Learning objectives, according to the Dublin descriptors:

1) complete knowledge of the history of Arabic literature in a synchronic and diachronic perspective; 2) develop a historical-literary awareness of the specific adab system and, within it, the structuring of genres, through the reading and analysis of some passages in the original language; 3) deepen a central issue in the history of Arab literature from the beginning, that of the relationship of the Arabs with otherness, through direct comparison with the most significant texts; 4) provide methodological and in-depth tools that favor the acquisition and improvement of language skills and a mature and aware approach to historical-literary issues also from a "comparative-philological" perspective.

Course Structure

Lectures. Reading, translation and analysis of the texts in the original language.

In-depth work and analysis carried out individually by the students with relative presentation

Detailed Course Content

Module 1 (3 ECTS):

Figures and currents of Arabic Literature


Module 2 (6 ECTS):

Phenomenology of representations of otherness between East and West

Textbook Information

Module 1:


A. Kilito, L’autore e i suoi doppi. Saggio sulla cultura araba classica, Einaudi, Torino, 1988, 142 p.


A. Ghersetti, La letteratura d’adab, Istituto Per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino, Roma, 2020, 189 p. 


E. Creazzo (a cura di), «Le donne parimente e gli uomini tutti lodarono il novellare». Percorsi della cornice narrativa, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2021, pp. 35-70.


H. Toelle, K. Zakharia, Alla scoperta della letteratura araba, Argo, 2010, pp. 183-213 (cap. 9: La letteratura popolare; cap. 10: Una letteratura dimenticata).



Module 2 (6 ECTS):


M. Cassarino (a cura di), Lo sguardo sull’altro, lo sguardo dell’altro. L’alterità in testi medievali, Introduzione di A. Pioletti, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2011, 124 p.


S. Pagani (a cura di), L’altro nella cultura araba, Presentazione di M.F. Corrao, Mesogea, Messina 2006, pp. 111-217.





Original language materials for both modules will be provided during the lessons on the platform Studium.