Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Rossana BARCELLONA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide:

1) the necessary tools to apply methodologies proper to the discipline, to argue competently on the topics and questions dealt with.

2) tools for building independent judgement, capacity for critical analysis, synthesis of new ideas, to be used as possible keys to tackle case studies on religious phenomena.

3) a method for interpreting acquired data, exercising the ability to elaborate possible theses and communicate with technical language and competence the contents of the discipline.  

4) indications for acquiring specialist knowledge independently, using the research and working tools provided during the course.

Course Structure

The course structure will be based on frontal lectures, but students will be expected to contribute actively to the discussion on the topic under consideration with questions and answers. The frontal teaching will be supported by power point slides and other tools.

 The material presented in class (PowerPoint slides, sources, essays) will be available for download at the Studium platform.

Required Prerequisites

Basic historical knowledge.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

Module A (3 ECTS): Religions of the Book

- Issues pertaining to the history of religions and methodology.

- Historical evolution and interactions of contemporary monotheisms.

- Founders of Religious traditions.

- Hebrew Bible and Catholic Bible.

- The Koran.

- Jesus in the Koran

Module B (3 ECTS): Religions  in the cinema

- Acquiring knowledge to understand religion as a dimension of cross-culturalism.

- Film and Religions: the birth of a research field and its methodology

- Film and Religions: Interpretative Research Paradigms

- Film, Women and Religions:

1. Hypatia the Philosopher

2. Joan the Pope

3. Gostanza the witch

- Film screening and discussion.

Textbook Information

Module A (3 ECTS):

- G. Filoramo - F. Pajer, Di che Dio sei? Tante religioni un solo mondo, Società Editrice Internazionale, Torino 2011, pp.170.

- P. Stefani, La Bibbia. L’Antico e il Nuovo Testamentoil libro per eccellenza, Il Mulino, Bologna 2004, pp. 133.

- P. Branca, Il Corano. Il libro della civiltà islamica, Il Mulino, Bologna 2001, pp. 120.

Module B (3 ECTS): 

- S. Botta - E. Prinzivalli (eds.), Cinema e religioni, Carocci 2010, pp. 124.

- R. Barcellona, Donne in scena, duetredue ed., 2022, pp. 192.

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For further information on sanctions and regulations concerning photocopying please refer to the regulations on copyright (Linee Guida sulla Gestione dei Diritti d’Autore) provided by AIDRO - Associazione Italiana per i Diritti di Riproduzione delle opere dell’ingegno (the Italian Association on Copyright).

All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Presentation of the program and clarifications on the syllabus. Matters of method and statute of the discipline.Supplementary teaching materials (made available during lessons or during office hours)
2History and meanings of the term religio.Supplementary teaching materials (made available during lessons or during office hours)
3Religions and contemporaneity: belonging without believing or believing without belonging? The sacred and the spirituality: ingredients of civilizations.Filoramo-Pajer, Di che Dio sei?, capp. 1 e 2
4Classifying religions: criteria and problems. Religious pluralism in history.Filoramo-Pajer, Di che Dio sei?, capp. 3 e 4
5Religions and identity.Filoramo-Pajer, Di che Dio sei?, capp. 5, 6, 7 e 8
6the BibleStefani, La Bibbia
7The KoranBranca, Il Corano
8Jesus in the  CoranoSupplementary teaching materials (made available during lessons or during office hours)
9Religions and cinemaBotta-Prinzivalli, Cinema e religioni.
10Women, religions and cinemaBarcellona, Donne in scena. Saperi, poteri, religioni.
11Film screening and discussion.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

in itinere test will be on module A = written questionnaire or, based on the number of students, seminar activity on topics related to module A
The correction will be discussed and the results will be announced during class or reception hours. The vote will be expressed out of thirty and will remain valid for one calendar year. The in itinere test is a tool to verify the degree of learning achieved, but above all the effectiveness of the study method adopted. For this reason, this test will be considered in the definition of the final evaluation at the discretion of the students.
final oral exam will be on module B (on modules A and B for those who have not completed the in itinere test).
For the final judgment on the exam, the in itinere test (in agreement with the student) will be taken into account proportionally, but not strictly
 mathematically. In the evaluation of the oral exam, will be taken into consideration not only the knowledge of the fundamental contents, but also
the mastery of historiographic problems, lexical properties and critical and argumentative skills.
Non-attending students are required to contact the teacher before taking the exam.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- Categories and classifications for orienting between religions.

- What is a sacred book?

- Formation of the Koran.

- Interpretative paradigms and cinema of historical-religious interest.

- The reception of historical figures in the cinema.