Spanish literature of the Golden Ages centuries

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: DANIELA SANTONOCITO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:


1) Knowledge and understanding: students know and can identify the historical, social and cultural context, from the 16th and 17th centuries, in which the works on the program are situated;

2) Applying knowledge and understanding: students are able to identify the historical-literary framework of reference, the different literary genres to which works can be ascribed and their thematic and stylistic peculiarities;

3) Making judgements: students are able to develop a personal reflection and conduct a textual analysis of the literary texts on the program;

4) Communication skills: students can use appropriate and accurate terminology in their analysis and can express clearly their critical and interpretative thinking about the works on the program;

5) Learning skills: students are able to identify studying and learning methods and strategies in order to achieve the educational objectives outlined for the second course year.

Course Structure

Lectures with the help of information technology and Power-Point presentations.

Reading and critical analysis of the texts in program.

The course is mainly taught in Spanish.

Detailed Course Content

Critical history of the Spanish literature: a) the variety of the Renaissance prose; b) 16th century poetry; c) Cervantes and 17th century prose; d) 17th century poetic tendencies; e) theatre reform: the Baroque comedia nueva.

Works: the teacher has chosen both canonical and –according to critics– “minor” works, in order to reconstruct aesthetic, literary and socio-cultural aspects of literary production on the peninsula from the end of the 15th century to the end of the Siglo de Oro.

Textbook Information



Marchese, A., Dizionario di retorica e stilistica, Mondadori, Milano, 1990 (the following entries: allegoria; allitterazione; amplificazione; anacoluto; anafora; analessi; attante; autore; bildungsroman; canone; captatio benevolentiae; carattere; citazione; chiasmo; cliché; comparazione; comunicazione letteraria (paragrafo 3 della voce “comunicazione”); connotazione; contesto; cultura; denotazione; descrizione; destinatario; deus ex machina; digressione; disambiguamento; discorso; dispositio; elocutio; endiadi; eroe; ex abrupto; extratestualità; fruizione; generi letterari; incipit; in medias res; intenzionalità; interpretazione; intertestualità; intratestualità; intreccio; iperbato; iperbole; ipotassi; isotopia; leitmotiv; letterarietà; letteratura; lettore; locus amoenus; macrotesto; metafora; metonìmia;  mito; monologo; novella; orizzonte d’attesa; ossimoro; paratassi; paronomàsia;  personaggio; polisemia; prolessi; prosa; punto di vista; retorica; ridondanza; romanzo; simbolo; similitudine; sinèddoche; sonetto; stile; straniamento; tópos; trama; voce). 



History of literature


Rodríguez Cacho, L., Manual de historia de la literatura española 1. Siglos XIII al XVII, Barcelona, Castalia, ultima ed., (pp. 147-508).




1. F. de Rojas, La Celestina, Cátedra or Real Academia Española most recent ed.

2. F. de Quevedo, El Buscón, Cátedra or Real Academia Española most recent ed.

3. Selection of significant texts/excerpts published between the 16th and the 17th centuries that will be uploaded on Studium.


Critical essays


Barrio Marcén, C., El motivo literario de «el mundo al revés» en el El Buscón de Quevedo, in «Anales. Anuario del centro de la UNED de Calatayud», 24, 2018, pp. 169-186.


Matos, K., A vueltas con el amor y el gozo en la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, in «Nueva revista de filología hispánica», LXIX, 2, 2021, pp. 797-822.


Núñez Rivera, V., El libro del pícaro: vida, escritura y conciencia genérica, in J. V. Núñez Rivera, R. Díaz Rosales (eds.), Vidas en papel. Escrituras biográficas en la Edad Moderna, «Etiópicas. Revista de letras renacentistas» (Anejos, 2), 2018, pp. 57-82.


Snow, J., Animales en Celestina, in «Celestinesca», 45, 2021, pp. 169-186.



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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.