Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: PAOLO BIAGIO CIPOLLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the mechanisms and structures of the Greek language and of a representative selection of texts in the original language

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: ability to translate texts fluently and to analyze them from a content and formal point of view in their grammatical, syntactic, stylistic and possibly metric aspects.

3) Autonomy of judgment: gradual development of the aptitude for critical reflection through continuous comparison with sources in the original language.

4) Communication skills: acquisition of a specific technical vocabulary relating to the formal aspects of the text.

5) Learning ability: ability to select relevant information in a manual and organize it in a system; acquisition of an effective translation method.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

A - Grammar (3 ECTS)

Thorough study of morphology and syntax of ancient Greek


B - Reading of texts in original language (3 ECTS)

1) Aristotle, Poetics, chaptt. 1-6

2) Herodotus, The Histories I 1-13, 23-45; IV 99-103

3) Gorgias, Encomium of Helen

4) Plutarch, Life of Alexander, chaptt. 1-3, 6, 13-14, 26-27, 40, 60-63, 72, 76

5) Lucian Dialogues of the gods 5-7, 11-13

Textbook Information

A - Grammar (3 ECTS)

A. Aloni, La lingua dei Greci, Roma 2012, pp. 318, o an equivalent book to be chosen in accordance with the teacher.


B - Reading of texts in original language (3 ECTS)

1) Aristotele, Dell’arte poetica, a cura di C. Gallavotti, Milano, Fondazione “Lorenzo Valla”, 1974, pp. 2-27;

2) Erodoto, Le storie, I: La Lidia e la Persia, a c. di D. Asheri, Milano, Fondazione “Lorenzo Valla”, 1988, pp. 6-21, 26-51; IV: La Scizia e la Lidia, a c. di A. Corcella e S. Medaglia, Milano, Fondazione “Lorenzo Valla” 1993, pp. 114-119 (or any other edition with facing Greek text);

3) Gorgia, Encomio di Elena, testo critico, introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di F. Donadi, Roma 1982, pp. 6-19 (or any other edition with facing Greek text);

4) Plutarco, Le vite di Alessandro e Cesare, a cura di D. Magnino, Milano, Rizzoli BUR, 1992, pp. 32-39, 44-47, 62-65, 96-103, 132-135, 176-186, 202-205, 210-213;

5) Luciano, Dialoghi di dei e di cortigiane, a cura di A. Lami e F. Maltomini, BUR, Milano 1986, pp. 202-215, 236-251.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.