Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ARIANNA ROTONDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide:

1) a knowledge of advanced issues and problems of the discipline on the historical (periodization) and historiographical (methods) level.


2) the necessary tools to apply methodologies proper to the discipline, to argue competently on the topics and questions dealt with.


3) tools for building independent judgement, capacity for critical analysis, synthesis of new ideas, to be used as possible keys to tackle case studies on phenomena of early Christianity.


4) a method for interpreting acquired data, exercising the ability to elaborate possible theses and communicate with technical language and competence the contents of the discipline. 


5) indications for acquiring specialist knowledge independently, using the research and working tools provided during the course.

Course Structure

The course will be mainly based on lectures, giving space to moments of discussion and debate animated by students. The lectures will be integrated by slides and other useful tools to improve the understanding of the proposed topics.

The materials used (powerpoints, papers, sources) will be made available on the STUDIUM.

Required Prerequisites

Basic historical knowledge.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the History of the Early Christianity with particular attention to the following topics: Jesus of Nazareth – Christianity /Christianities - The Canon and the Sacred Scriptures - Pagans and Christians - Christian Emperors

Textbook Information

 A (3 ECTS):

-Storia del cristianesimo. I. L’età antica (secoli I-VII), a cura di E. Prinzivalli, Carocci, Roma 2015: capp. 1-2-3-4 (pp. 15-158) - 6-7-8 (pp. 185-280).


 B (3 ECTS):

-Lettera a Diogneto, a cura di Fabio Ruggiero, Città Nuova, Roma 2020, pp.176.

-T. Sardella, La fine del mondo antico e il problema storiografico della Tarda Antichità: il ruolo del cristianesimo, in ‘Chaos e Chosmos’ 14 (2013), pp. 1-40 (www.chaosekosmos.it).

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1 Introduction to the History of the Early Christianity with particular attention to the following topics: Jesus of Nazareth – Christianity /Christianities - The Canon and the Sacred Scriptures - Pagans and Christians - Christian Emperors  A (3 ECTS): -Storia del cristianesimo. I. L’età antica (secoli I-VII), a cura di E. Prinzivalli, Carocci, Roma 2015: capp. 1-2-3-4 (pp. 15-158) - 6-7-8 (pp. 185-280).
2in-depth study -Lettera a Diogneto, a cura di Fabio Ruggiero, Città Nuova, Roma 2020, pp.176. -T. Sardella, La fine del mondo antico e il problema storiografico della Tarda Antichità: il ruolo del cristianesimo, in ‘Chaos e Chosmos’ 14 (2013), pp. 1-40 (www.chaosekosmos.it)

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Coursework test: written questionnaire or, depending on the number of students, seminar activity on topics related to module A (optional). The correction will be subject to discussion and the results will be announced during class or reception hours. The grade will be expressed in thirtieths and will remain valid for one calendar year. The in itinere test is a tool for verifying the degree of learning achieved but above all the effectiveness of the study method adopted. For this reason, the in itinere tests will be taken into account in the definition of the final grade at the students' discretion.

Final oral examination on module B (on modules A and B for those who have not taken the in itinere examination).

The in itinere test (in agreement with the student) will be taken into account for the final examination grade in a proportional, but not strictly mathematical manner. In the assessment of the oral examination, not only knowledge of the fundamental content will be taken into account, but also mastery of historiographical questions, lexical property and critical and argumentative capacity.

X Written test

X Oral examination

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- Jesus of Nazareth between story and memory.
- The Canon.
- The heresies of the 2nd century.
- The Arian question.
- The persecutions of Decius and Valerian.
- The figure of Constantine.
- The A Diognetus: historical context and contents.
- The identikit of the Christian in A Diognetus.