Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Sergio Alfio Maria CRISTALDI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The learning objectives can be declined according to specific knowledge, skills and abilities, gradually acquired during and confidently possessed by the student at the end of the course. The main learning objective is the broad and solid knowledge of the most important authors, works and cultural processes of Italian literature between the seventeenth century and the end of the nineteenth century. To this disciplinary knowledge, declined both in a historical-diachronic and a formal-stylistic key, in the latter case with particular reference to the main characteristics of the literary genres studied within the chronological span of the course (for example: civil and political poetry, the treatise, the lyric, the novel, the theater), an understanding of the mechanisms that govern the transmission over time of forms, stylistic features, literary themes must be added; in this case, knowledge of the historical tradition of Italian literature is also pursued with the aim of acquiring the research method of the discipline (see Module C). At the end of the course the student will have acquired ability to combine solid historical-cultural knowledge, relating to Italian literature between the 17th and 19th centuries, with an increased autonomy of judgment, historically and philologically founded, about the literary works indicated in the program as the object of specific study. At the end of the course, the student will be able to express acquired knowledge through communication skills appropriately solicited and educated in class, marked by logical clarity, expressive effectiveness, appropriate use of technical language.

Course Structure


Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

A) Literary history from the seventeenth century to the eighteenth century (2 ECTS)

B) Literary history of the nineteenth century (3 ECTS)

C) Eighteenth and nineteenth century Dante studies (1 CFU)

Textbook Information

A) Literary history of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (2 ECTS)

- A. Casadei-M. Santagata, Manuale di letteratura italiana medievale e moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, pp. 264-397.

- G. P. Romagnani, La società di antico regime (XVI-XVIII secolo), Roma, Carocci, 2018, pp. 197-206 (chp. 12. Figure e spazi della cultura)

- L. Serianni, Lirica, pp. 66-77 (sections Le novità secentesche and Il Settecento: l’apparente ritorno all’ordine), in G. Antonelli, M. Motolese, L. Tomasin, Storia dell’italiano scritto, vol. I, Poesia, Roma, Carocci, 2014;

- C. E. Roggia, Poesia narrativa, pp. 128-140 (section Narrazione in endecasillabi sciolti), ivi.


Anthological readings relating to each of the following authors (chosen by the student, starting from teacher's instructions in class and made available also for non-attending students via studium/teams):

G. Galilei, G. Marino, G. Basile, G. Vico, P. Metastasio, G. Beccaria, C. Goldoni, G. Parini, P. Verri, V. Alfieri.


For anthological readings it is recommended to use the following handbook:

L. Baldi – S. Giusso – M. Razetti – G. Zaccaria, I classici nostri contemporanei, Torino, Pearson-Paravia.


B) Literary history of the nineteenth century (3 ECTS)

- A. Casadei-M. Santagata, Manuale di letteratura italiana medievale e moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, in part. pp. 355-488.

- L. Serianni, Lirica, pp. 77-83 (sections La lirica patriottica and Vari percorsi del classicismo), in G. Antonelli, M. Motolese, L. Tomasin, Storia dell’italiano scritto, vol. I, Poesia, Roma, Carocci, 2014;

- N. Mineo, Foscolo, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, chapter III (pp. 93-141).

- P. Frare, Leggere «I promessi sposi», Bologna, Il Mulino, chapters I, II, III (pp. 9-74).

- C. Tramontana Vite immaginate, Carlentini (SR), Duetredue, 2011, chapter II, Ritratti di famiglia: Jacopo, Gertrude, Carlino, pp. 104-123.

- A. Manganaro, Verga, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, chapter VIII (pp. 141-179).


2 – Reading of the following classic texts:


Sonetti:  Alla sera. In morte del fratello Giovanni. A Zacinto.

Odi: All’amica risanata.

Dei sepolcri, full reading.



Odi: Il 5 maggio

Inni sacri: Il Natale. La Pentecoste

Adelchi: Chorus of Act III

I promessi sposi, chapters I, II, III, IV, VI, IX, X, XXI, XXXV, XXXVIII



Canti, edited by F. Gavazzeni, Milano, Rizzoli, full reading



Vita dei campi: Fantasticheria; Rosso Malpelo

I Malavoglia, cap. XV.

Novelle rusticane: La roba


3 - Anthological readings relating to each of the following authors (chosen by the student, starting from teacher's instructions in class and made available also for non-attending students via studium/teams):

Vincenzo Monti, Giuseppe Giusti, Niccolò Tommaseo, Ippolito Nievo, Giosue Carducci, Luigi Capuana, Federico De Roberto.


For anthological readings it’s recommended to use the following handbook:

L. Baldi – S. Giusso – M. Razetti – G. Zaccaria, I classici nostri contemporanei, Torino, Pearson-Paravia.


C) Dante's studies between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (1 ECTS)

- S. Cristaldi, Vigilia del dantismo di Foscolo, in «Révues des études dantesques», IV (2020), pp. 75-97;

- S. Cristaldi, Jacopo Ortis e il culto di Dante, «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica», CXIII (2021), 1, suppl., pp. 207-228.

- S. Cristaldi, Dante nell’«Ortis» di Zurigo, in «Critica letteraria», XLIX (2021), 3-4, pp. 979-996.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.