Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Mela ALBANA

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate: 

1) Knowledge and understanding: students will acquire the specific methodological tools for the knowledge of the history of Rome, from its formation to late antiquity, in order to understand  the institutional, social and cultural dynamics in the Roman world.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: students will be able to distinguish the nature of sources, as well as to link the theoretical and methodological contents learned to the interpretation of past, present and future events and processes.

3) Autonomy of judgement: students will acquire tools and techniques for autonomously interpreting historical data.

4) Communication skills: students will acquire the technical language of the historical disciplines in order to illustrate the objectives, procedures and methodologies of Roman history in oral and written form.

5) Learning skills: Students will develop the ability to carry out documentary and bibliographical research on specific historical topics.

Course Structure

Frontal and interactive lessons.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

-The first module (Module A, 2 credits) has a propaedeutic character;

- The second module (Module B, 4 credits) covers the History of Rome from the origins to the fall of the Western Roman Empire;

- The third module (Module C, 3 credits) deals with the specific theme of the female condition in ancient Rome



Sources for ancient history

History of ancient historiography

Origins of Rome and the monarchic age

Social, political and religious organisation of Republican Rome

The expansion in Italy and the Mediterranean

The crisis of the roman Republic and the formation of personal power

Social, political and religious organisation of the Principaty

The crisis of the Third Century/

The Dominate

The rise of Christianity

The fall of the Western Roman Empire

Condition and image of women in Roman antiquity

Textbook Information

Module A: The documentary basis of Roman history (2 Credits)

- G. Poma (ed.), La storia antica. Metodi e fonti per lo studio, Bologna Il Mulino, 2016, pp. 7-130; 157-195; 209-224; 245-307.


Module B: History of Rome from origins to the fall of the Roman West Empire (4 Credits)

Students have to study one of the following texts:

G. Cresci Marrone - F. Rohr Vio - L. Calvelli, Roma antica. Storia e documenti, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014, pp. 11-379;

E. Gabba - D. Foraboschi - D. Mantovani - E. Lo Cascio - L. Troiani, Introduzione alla storia di Roma, LED, Milano 2002, pp. 13-148, 224-464, 535-560;

G. Geraci-A. Marcone, Storia romana. Editio maior, Mondadori Education, Milano 2017, pp. XV-XVIII; 1-533;

M. Mazza (ed.), Storia di Roma dalle origini alla tarda antichità, Edizioni del Prisma, Catania 2019.


Module C: The condition of women in ancient Rome (3 Credits)

- E. Cantarella, L’ambiguo malanno. Condizione e immagine della donna nell’antichità greca e romana, Universale economica Feltrinelli, Milano 2015, pp. 7-21; 149-263

-M. Albana, Imperatrici, donne d'alto rango e popolane nel IV sec. d.C.: osservazioni in margine ad Ammiano Marcellino, «QC» 4-5, 1992-1993, pp. 275-331.

-M. Albana, Le medicae nel mondo romano, Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina, IV, 1, 2023 (ISSN: 2724-4954 ) DOI 10.13135/2724- 4954/7297 , pp. 1-28.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library..